Marine Historical Soriety OF DETROIT THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 3, No. 7 March, 1950 KOK KK OK OK ANNOUNCEMENT : Our March meeting this year will be held at 8 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Detroit News building, 615 W.Lafayette, on Wednesday, March 29th. At that time we will have the honor of hearing one of Detroit's outstanding historians, Dr.Milo M.Quaife. For many years he was Director of the Burton Historical Library, a position from which he has recently retired. He is general editor of the Amer- ican Lakes Series, and is the author himself of the book "Lake Michi- gan" in this series. Many other historical books and articles have come from his pen. His paper at our forthcoming meeting is entitled "The Story of the YANTIC." Dr.Quaife has made a thorough study of this veteran of the U.S.Navy, and later a familiar sight on the City's riverfront. No one is better qualified to speak to us on this topic. As always, our friends and guests are cordially welcome. April 26th, Wednesday, is the date of our Sixth Annual Dinner Meeting. This will be held at the Edison Boat Club on the east side. Our speaker on this occasion will be Mr.Harry C.Brockel, Port Commissioner of Milwaukee, who will speak on "The History of Ocean Ship- ping on the Great Lakes." We hope our Society will get behind this program and make it a success. In order to help us make the necessary plans, we are asking that you fill out the enclosed postcard and mail it soon. Your full cooperation is desired and will be appreciated. Each week day evening at 7:15 on radio station CKLW is presented "The 01d Detroit Quiz." A historical sketch of Detroit is told each night, and frequently one pertaining to the River or our ol@ ships. Among recent stories were those of the first steam ferry to eross the River, the first mail boat, and the race of the TASHMOO and CITY OF ERIE. Our members will enjoy tuning in on CKLW at 7:15 P.M. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary OR OR OR OR OK OR OR OK OR OR OK OK OK OR OK OR OR OR Ok OR OK OK KR OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK CRUISE ? The recent announcement that the PUT IN BAY will make daily round trips from Bates St. to Tashmoo Park, should interest many of our members. We are planning to have several summer get-to- gethers for our Society. More information will follow.