Marine Historical Soriety OF DETROIT THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 3, No. 8 April, 1950 ANNOUNCEMENT : cag ttt Our Society's sixth Annual Dinner Meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, April 26th, at the Edison Boat Club. Our speaker of the evening will be Mr.Harry C.Brockel, Municipal Port Commissioner of Milwaukee, who will read a paper entitled "The History of Ocean Shipping on the Great Lakes.” Mr.Brockel is among the best informed men in the eauntry on port operations, package freighting by ship, and foreign trade. His achievements in the past decade have given Milwaukee a splendid harbor set-up, and the largest volume of foreign tonnage of any Great Lakes Port. The majority of the foreign ships that pass or stop at Detroit are on their way to or from Milwaukee. Dinner will be served in the dining room upstairs, beginning at about 6:15 P.M. The Mr.H.C.Brockel price will be $|.9°. Tickets may be obtained from our Treasurer, Mr.Smith, before the meal. At about 8:00 the meeting will convene in the large auditorium on the ground floor. Both the din- ing room and the auditorium look out upon the River. The Edison Boat Club is located at the foot of Lycaste Street on the east side, adjacent to the Edison "Conners Creek" power plant. Those who drive may come directly to the club, where there is ample park- ing space, to which you will be directed. Those depending on public transportation should take the E.Jefferson car or bus to Lycaste. Every effort will be made to provide transportation from this corner to the Club. Those driving, who have extra room are asked to be on the lookout for any who have come to the corner of Jefferson and Lycaste, and give them a lift to the Boat Club. On Saturday afternoon and evening, June 3rd, we will conclude our season with the usual picnic meeting at the Fort Malden Museum, at Amherstburg. Mr.A.D.R.Fraser of Windsor, a member of our Society, will tells us about the construction of the Livingstone Channell. This will be a joint meeting with the Algonquin Historical Society of Windsor, of which many of us are members. Keep this date in mind. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary