Marine Historical Soriety OF DETROIT THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 4, No.6 February, 1951 * KK KK OK ANNOUNCEMENT : On February 21st, 1951, Wednesday, at 8.P.M. in the conference room of the Detroit News Building, 615 W.Lafayette, we will have our second movie night of this season. The program has been arranged by Jack Miller, assisted by Howard Vair and Scott Worden. Here are some of the features: Movies of the services of the Barber Lines and the Farrell Lines, Two trips to England, "Fishing for Fun," and the com- plete story of the construction and launching of the "Wilfred Sykes." Because of the length of this program, we plan to begin promptly at pitied pc took: So, plan to come early, and as always, invite your riends. On March 28th, we will have the pleasure of hearing our fellow member, and "Historian of Grosse Pointe", Mr.Norbert Neff, speaking on "Here and There around Lake St.Clair." Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. * eK OK OK OK ANNOUNCEMENT: At the January meeting your President appointed a nominating committee to prepare a list of candidates for election to the four positions on our S,ciety's Advisory Committee, which will become vacant at the end of this season. This committee for nominations will consist of Messrs. William Mahoney,Chairman, Keith Smith, John Poole, and Dr.Neil Morrison. All members of our S,clety are eligible for nomination and election in June, except those tenure of office on the Advisory Committee has one or two more years to run, namely, Messrs. Zeleznik, Ken Smith, Poole, Morrison, McDonald, Goodrich, Capt Taylor, and Fr.Dowling. All members are urged strongly to suggest desirable candidates to the members of the Nominating Committee. Correspondence in this matter should preperly be directed to the Chairman, Mr.William B.Mahoney, 1235 Meadowbrook, Vetroit 14. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,President.