Marine Historical Society OF DETROIT THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 5, No.1 September 1951 ORR OK OK OK ANNOUNCEMENT: On Saturday, September 8th, we begin our eighth season with the traditional picnic and meeting at Fort Malden Museum, Amherstburg. Our host and fellow member, Mr.Dave Botsford, Curator of the Museum has assured us that we are welcome any time Saturday afternoon either to visit the Museum, or watch the ships pass by. The usual pic- nic supper will precede the meeting. Your are to bring your sandwiches, coffee, and the like. Our first speaker of the season is known to almost everyone in Detrott, Mr.Lee Smits, News Commentator for the Gas Company, and also a member of our Society. Though Mr.Smits busy schedule makes it imposs- ible for him to agree to many speaking engagements, he is making an ex- ception in our favor. His talk will be éntitled "Boyhood Memories of the Great Lakes." Plan to attend our first gathering, and invite your friends. For the remainder of the year we have a fine program nearly completed. Unless you are informed otherwise our regular evening meetings beginning with the October meeting will again be held in the Detroit News Conference Room, 615 W.Lafayette. Here are the dates, and the names of the speakers already engaged. October 24th Mr.Carl Zeisler, Monroe County Historical Society, "Monroe, Michigan's only Lake Erie Port." November 14th Movies and Slides, arranged by Mr.Jack Miller. December 12th Fr.Dowling, "The Story of the Pittsburgh Fleet." January 23rd Capt.Charles Dicken, Great Lakes Towing Co., "Tugging Experiences." February 20th Mr.Neil Morgan, The Wyandotte Transportation Co. "Wyandotte and the Great Lakes." March 26th Open. April 23rd Dinner Meeting, Speaker and location to be announced. June 7th Picnic Meeting at Amherstburg. Speaker, Mr.John Marsh, Editor "The Amherstburg Echo." Let us inaugurate our coming season with a fine turnout for the opening meeting, Saturday, September 8th, at Amherstburg. Robert A.Zéleanik, Secretary OK KK ok ok ok kK ok ok ok ok ok ok kk ok uk ok kk ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ak ak