ANNOUNCEMENT: (Proposed Amendment to Constitution) The following clarification of the first sentence of Article 4 of the Constitutions has been suggested, and seems highly worthy of our con- sideration. It is hereby released to the membership, and as required, will be read by your Secretary at the September meeting and voted upon at the October meeting. "All of the activities, business, and property of the Society shall be under the direction and control of an Advisory Council which shall consist of twelve (12) members of the Society. The Advisory Coun- cil may adopt and amend from time to time By-Laws covering such activi- ties as may properly be included therein- Any and all disbursements of funds of the Society shall be made only upon approval by the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall designate a depositary for funds of the Society." Your officers feel that this is a definite improvement over the existing wording in Article 4, and ask your favorable consideretion. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. * RR KK KR KR KR KK KK KR KK KK KK KE KK OK OK KK KOK KK OK KK OK KOK OK SHIPS The Hanna freighter FRED @.HARTWELL (the second ship of that name) has been renamed MATTHEW ANDREWS (also the second of that name. The Hutchinson freighter CHARLES L.HUTCHINSON (ex SIR TREVOR DAWSON, ex WILLIAM C.MORELAND) has been renamed GENE C.HUTCHINSON. Rumors state that the new Hutchinson ship under construction at Bay City will be named CHARLES L.HUTCHINSON. The new ships TORSHOLM from Sweden, and VESLEFJELL from Norway have made their first trips into the Lakes. The first C-4 type ocean freighter acquired by the Nicholson-Universal Line will be brought into the Lakes in October, and will be named THOMAS : M.GIRDLER, in honor of the Republic Steel executive. A new tug on the — Lakes this season is the SALUTATION, which tows oil barges for the McWilliams Blue Line Tankers, Inc. Her pilot house can be lowered for passage under fixed bridges, and raised in open water. Zenith Drydock Co. of Duluth plan to build next year three sections of a nine section float- ing drydock, large enough to lift any vessel on the Great Lakes. The Mil- waukee tug WELCOME is undergoing conversion to Diesel propulsion - mean- while her place is being taken in the Clark Towing Line (Petco Corp.) by the NEW JERSEY. The Grand Trunk carferries on Lake Michigan have a very bright green hull this season. MK RK OK OK OK KK KO OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok ok OK kk Kk Ok Ok Ok Ok The LEETSDALE (at left) and the new STEELTON.