Marine Historical Society E E.Poole, President 6 Ford Ave. Yan Dyke, Mich. John F.Miller,Vice President 1094 Lakepoint Ave. Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary 877 University Place Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Kenneth E.Smith, Treasurer 153 Monterey Ave. Highland Park 3, Mich. THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,Editor University of Detroit,Detroit 21,Mich. eK KK KK KR KEE KR EK RE KKK KR RR KKK EK EK KR RK EK KE Volume 5, No.8 Sie ac adlia April, 1952 ANNOUNCEMENT: On Wednesday evening, April 30th, we will have our Eighth Annual Dinner Meeting. As hes been the custom in recent years we will hold this meeting at the Edison Boat Club, at the foot of Lycaste Street, adjacent to the Edison "Conners Creek" plant, on the east side of Detroit. Dinner will be served at 6:00 P.M. The charge will be $2.40 per plate, which includes both tax and tip. Despite rises in other costs, we have been able this year to keep that off our dinner down. be Our after dinner speaker for the occasion will be Capt.Philip £. Thorpe, of the Chesapeake and Ohio railway ferries, who will tell us of his experiences sailing the Great Lakes. Capt.Thorpe began his sailing on the old Goodrich ships on Lake Michigan. Those who cannot come for the dinner are invited to come for the rest of the program, which will begin at about 8 o'clock. Invite your friends, and ell help make this affair a success. We are enclosing a post card to be returned to your Secretary, advis- ing him of your plans. It is importaht that all who plan to attend the din- ner inform him as soon as possible. The card requires a two cent stamp. Your cooperation will be appreciated. June 7th, Saturday, marks the date of the final meeting of our cur- rent season, tc be held at the Fort Malden Museum at Amherstburg. At this time Mr.John Marsh, Editor of the Amherstburg "Echo" will speak. Be there. Also plan to sail with us on the Bob Lo opener, May 30th, 10:00 A.M. Let's all get out this summer and ride the few passenger ships that survive. Robert A.Zeleznik,Secretary. EEK ok aoe Ok cae ok ce MK oR Ok kK Ok OK oe KO a a oe oe ere ANNOUNCEMENT: The Nominating Committee has received the following nominations for the Advisory Council, Messrs. J.E.Poole, K.=.Smith, W.B.Mahoney, G.Schaeffer, Gapts. Albert J.P,lmer and W.J.Taylor. Nominations are still open, and 411 remain so until shortly before the dinner meeting, when the slate must be presented. Nominations by correspondence will be duly processed if sené to your Editor. Your cooperation is appreciated. The Nominating Committee