Marine Historical Society OF DETROIT John E.Poole, President 8236 Ford Ave., Van Dyke, Michigan John C.Goodrich, Vice Pres. 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan Robert A.Zeleznik, Seoretary 2015 Dime Building, Detroit 26, Michigan Kenneth E.Smith, Treasurer 153 Monterey Ave., Highland Park 3, Michigan THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,Editor University of Detroit,Detroit 21,Mich. Volume 5, No.10 Summer, 1952 ANNOUNCEMENT : In September our Society begins its ninth year. We look forward to another successful year depending upon that fine loyalty and interest which our members have shown in the past. Herewith is published the pro- gram for the coming year: September 6, Saturday - The usual picnic meeting at Amherstburg. February 18, " sity of Detroit, Mc Nichols Road, March 18, is a Unless otherwise announced. arth 22, Annual Dinner Meeting, place, price, etc., to be announced. June 6, Usual picnic meeting, and election, at Amherstburg. At the June meeting the following were elected to membership on our Society's Advisory Board for the three year term, Mr.John Poole, Mr.Ken Smith, Capt.William J.Taylor and Capt.Alfred J.Palmer. On June 24, the Advisory Board met for its annual election of officers for the coming year, and chose Mr.Poole, President; Mr.Jack Goodrich, Vice President; Ken Smith, Treasurer, and Bob Zeleznik, Secretary. Let us not forget the September 6th meeting at Amherstburg, when Capt.J.Earl McQueen will show us his latest tug movies. Remember this date. ANNOUNCEMENT : Some months ago our President appointed a committee for publicati- ons, consisting of Tom Dancey, Scott Worden and Fr.Dowling. This committee is pleased to announce our Society's first booklet, a forty-eight page illustrated job entitled "Ships That Never Die". it is attractively bound and has 46 illustrations of the ships we have been describing each month in the Marine Historian. It will be ready in October. The price will be announced at that time. Order your copy now, and interest your friends in this project of our Society. Ken Smith, 153 Monterey, Highland Park 3, will reserve gour order. ANNOUNCEMENT: Our fellow organization, The Detroit Historical Society, has asked our cooperation in its drive for membership. Those of our Societ who are interested should contact Dr.Neil F.Morrison, 1122 Chilver Road, Windsor, Ontario for further information. October 22, eee evening ) At present it is planned to Bold November 19th ) these meetings at the same losation December 17, ae 2 ) as last year, i.e. in Room 3ll of January 21,1953 " us } the Library building at the Univer- ) Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. SHIPS The ferry WAYNE has been towed to Detwur, Michigan, where it is temporabilt lying at Durocher's dock. It is rumored the WAYNE will eventually go to Sturgeon Bay and serve as a yacht club building.