Marine Historical Soriety OF DETROIT John E.Poole, President - oem 8236 Ford Ave., Van Dyke, Michigan John C.Goodrich, Vice Pres. 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary : 2015 Dime Building, Detroit 26, Michigan Kenneth E.Smith, Treasurer 153 Monterey Ave., Highland Park 3, Michigan THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,Editor University of Detroit,Detroit 21,Mich. Volume 6, No.4 December, 1952 Ok KOK OK OK ANNOUNCEMENT: On Wednesday evening, December 17th at 8:00, we will meet in Room 311 of the University of Detroit Library. This meeting will feature the first, for this season, of our popular illustrated programs. It is en- titled "Ship Pictures, 01d and New” and has been arranged by Ken Smith. Ken will have a new type of projector capable of giving clear and sharp projections from large photographs and prints, so much so as to make the projeetion on the screen better than the original. Our S,ciety is serious- ly considering the purchase of such a piece of equipment Por use at our meetings, and this program is an experiment wherein we hope to learn whether or not it will produce something pleasing and interesting for our Society. All are encouraged to come and to express their honest opinions of the quality and possibilities of programs suchas this. Your officers want to know your reactions. As always, our fréends and guests are most welcome. Do not forget the January meeting, to be held at the same loca- tion on the evening of Wednesday, the 21st. Our fellow member, Mr.Norbert Neff, will be in charge of this program. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. * KR OK KK KK KOK KK KK KOR KK OK KK KK KK KK KK KKK KKK OK K GREETING: In the name of your officers and your Society, the "Detroit Marine-H;storian" extends sincere wishes for a blessed and merry Christ- mas and a New Year filled with happiness. John E.Poole, President. KR KK KK KOK KOK KOR ROK OK OK RK KOK ROK ROK KOK KR OK KR KK OK OK KK SHIPS As announced recently in the newspapers, the four freighters of the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation fleet have been taken over by the Wilson Transit Company of Cleveland. (Note - when we have completed our currently running list of the Canada S.S.Lines ships, we will give a complete list of the ships of the J.& L. fleet. Editor). The new 667 foot THUNDER BAY of Canada S.S.Lines has gone into operation. The latest addi- tion to Paterson Steamships, Ltd. is WELLANDOC (ii), ex IDA 0.,ex AROSA, ex SHERBROOKE, ex EDWARD L.STRONG, a steel canaller built for Hall in 1922 at Three Rivers, P.Q. Reports from Toronto state that CATUGA ( see DMH, vol.5,no.7,and "Ships That Never Die," p.11) will be scrapped earty next spring, if no buyers have appeared by that time. The veteran tug STEAD has been scrapped in the slip off the Rouge River just above West Jefferson Ave. In the same spot, apparently awaiting to be cut up is the barge SWEDEROPE (1) (ex NUMBER 24, 1906 Camden, N.J.) 4 few years back the old freighter KEARSARGE was scrapped in the same slip .