Marine Historical Soriety OF DETROIT, INC. John E.Poole, President 8236 Ford Ave., ™ Van Dyke, Michigan John C.Goodrich, Vice Pres. Ps \ 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan Robert A.Zeleznik, Seo 2015 Dime Building, Detroit 26, Michigan Kenneth E.Smith, Treas 153 Monterey Ave., Highland Park 3, Michigan THE DETROIT MARINE Bron AN Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,Editor Volume 6, No.7 University of Detroit,Detroit 21,Mich. March, 1953 ANNOUNCEMENT : On Wednesday evening, March 18th, we will meet in room 31l of the University of Detroit Library, on the campus at McNichols Road and Livernois. This meeting, the last of our regular evening gatherings for this season, will be opened at 8:00 P.M. For our entertainment this time our Vice President, Mr.Goodrich, has arranged a program of movies and slides. In our past experience such programs have always been popular. Plan to attend and invite your friends, who are always welcome. Do not forget our forthcoming annual Dinner Meeting We will be honored to have as our speaker for this occasion Count Alex Von Niezychowski. All who have heard him are high in their recommendation of him. The Dinner Meeting will be held at The Edison Boat Club on Saturday May 2, Unless you are informed otherwise. More information in the April "Marine Historian.” Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary KOK KR KOK OR ROK KR ROK RR KR ROK KR ROK KR KR KOK KR ROKR ROR KR RR KR OK OK “"MASTHEAD The line drawing shown at the top of this page is taken from an old advertisement of a Saguenay River Cruise. The vessel is not identified therein, but from appearances we think it is the BEAUPRE, of which a photo appeared in DMH.vol.5, No.6. eee KK KH KOK KK KR KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KKK KK OK PORT LISTS At Lorain,Ohio (Thanks to Albert E.Williams), A.M.Anderson, Cont'd. Armco, R.W.E.Bunsen, C.D.Bradley, C.J.Callaway, P.R.Clarke, Comet, W.E.Corey, B.F.Fairless, H.Ford II, H.Johnson, 0.S. McFarland, S.F.B.Morse, R.C.Stanley, F.E.Taplin, E.P.Thomas, E.T.Weir (old), E.T.Weir (New). At Huron, Ohio (Also from Mr.Williams), J.B.Ayres, Champlain, A.E.Nettleton, G.A.To: nson. At Toledo, Ohio (Thanks to W.J.Luke), L.E.Block, A.M.Byers, Carrollton, R.S.Caulkins, D.M.Clemson, W.G.Clyde, C.C.Conway,Diamond Alka- li, J.A.Farrell, Fontana, E.G.Grace, E.B.Greene, A.F.Harvey, J.J.Hill, J.H.Hillman,Jr.,C.L.Hutchinson, Joliet, J.A.Kling, LaSalle, Lehigh, C.H. McCullough,dr. »W.A.McGonagle, Malietoa, E.G.Mathiott, Michigan, J.S.Morrow, R.d.Paisley, Paratex, Pioneer, Gen.0.M.Poe, F.Purnell, C.A.Reiss, J.L.Riess, J.P.Reiss, 0.M.Reiss, P.Reiss, R.J.Reiss, Reiss Bros.,W.C.Richardson, J.F. Schoelkopf;Jr.,Sinaloa, Col.J.M.Schoonmaker, H.W.Smith, B.E.Tate, D.P. Thompson, Thunder Bay Quarries, Verona, Williamsport, Col.H#.M.Young. At Monroe, Mich. (from Mr.Luke), A.H.Ferbert, L.Fraser, W.A. @ t. Irvin, Gov.Miller, 1.S.0lds, E.M.Voorhees, R.H.Watson. * KOK KR KR ROK KOK KOK OK OK ROKK KOK OK KOK KK KK KOK KKK KKK KKK SHIPS The C-4 MARINE STAR is now at the Todd yards in Brooklyn under- going reconstruction for service on the Great Lakes. Wisconsin and Michigan Steamship Co. are her present owners. Rumors persist that the pro- posed pipeline to Sarnia will see the end of the big Canadian tankers on the Great Lakes. Work on the large tanker at Collingwood has been suspen- ded, apparently for this reason. bd