ANNOUNCEMENT: RAISE IN DUES Because of steadily mounting operating costs it will be neces- sary to raise our dues next year. Actually during the past fine years our @: have been slightly more than our income, but due to the fact that r Treasury had a cushion of some $300.00 which came from our commission on the two cruises which we sponsored in 1945 and 1946 we were able to maintain the dues a¥ an even Dollar per year, including the "Marine Hist- orian" which we bagan to send to our members in 1947. That such procedure is no longer feasible has been clearly shown in the report submitted by the committee appointed last summer by our President to investigate this matter. A most conservative estimate showed that including all costs at present quotations, we were paying slightly over Two Dollars per member. Therefore, as of October 1, 1953, our annual dues will be Two Dollars per year. This legislation was officially approved by your officers at the Advisory Council meeting of January 7, 1953. Kenneth E.Smith, Treasurer KOR OK OK OK OK KR OK KOK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK KK OK OK OK OK KK OK KK KK OK K KK MASTHEAD Our line drawing this month shows the PUT IN BAY, a ship well known to our members, which, from recent news peports will be sold at auction late this month. OK eK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KR OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK SHIPS A new hull for Paterson Steamships, Ltd. was laid down on the ways at Port Arthur recently vacated by the launching on April llth of Algoma's new E.B.BaRBER. No name as yet for the Paterson ship. However, Paterson's GASPEDOC, a converted American LST, which has been operating in the Gulf of St.Lawrence, is now being brought into the Lakes via the Mississippi. It is expected that the new Huron cement carrier AUL H.TOWNSEND (ex COASTAL DELEGATE) will be christened on April 30. e new car ferry BADGER has gone into operation on Lake Michigan. The ormer “etroit and Windsor ferry CADILLAC has been renamed LADY HAMILTON, and will be operated this summer by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the Port of Hamilton. The J.L.MAUTHE of Interlake Steamship has gone into service along with the ERNEST WEIR ii, new flagship of the Hanna Fleet. The Hanna Fleet has sold three of its 525 foot freighters, as follows: WILLIAM D.CRAWFORD to Midland Steamship Lines, who have renamed her BAIRD TEWKSBURY; LaBELLE to Kinsman Transit Company; and JOSEPH wooD to Gartland Steamship Co.(Sullivan Lines). The Great Lakes Towing Co. has compketed is conversion of the foemer JOHN ROEN (ex LAMONT) to a diesel job and renamed her SAMUEL E.BOOL. She will operate mostly in the Lake Michigan area. At the same time G.I,.Towing have purchased the ships and the towing charter of the Milwaukee Tug Boat Line, including the tugs ROGER (ex CONRAD STARKE), PETCO 21 (ex NEW JERSEY), and WeLCOME. This sale marks the end of one of the oldest marine enterprised on the Lakes, a service begun 101 years ago. (Note: a complete list of the M.T.B.L. fleet appears in DMH vol.3, no.8. Ed.) The new self-unloader nearing completion at Manitowoc for Boland & Cornelius will be christened JOHN J.BOLAND and will be launched April 26. The current J.HN J.BOLAND (ex UN- ITED STATES GYPSUM, ex STEPHEN M.CLEMENT) has been renamed NIAGARA-MOHAWK. The new takker for Socony-Vacuum will be named CHICAGO SOCONY. The con- verted C-4 MARINE ANGEL has arrived at South Chicago where her cabins are being fitted. She will then proceed to Manitowoc for installation of her conveyor rig. Upon completion she will be renamed McKEE SONS, not "McKee Brothers" as was first announced. Word from the Pacific Coast Ee: that the AVALON (ex VIRGINIA - see "Ships That Never Die") will on be sold for scrap. Senator Ferguson has requested the U.S.Engineers Dept. to replace the old Poe Lock at the Soo with a new lock, authorized by Congress in 1946. The WILLIAM C.FORD is expected to be ready for launching at the Rouge late this month or early in May.