Marine F a Suriety John C.Goodrich, Vice P. 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan John E.Poole, Pres 8236 Ford Ave., Van Dyke, Michigan Robert A-Zeleznik, Seo 2015 Dime Building, Detroit 26, Michigan Kenneth E.Smith, Treas 153 Monterey Ave., Highland Park 3, Michigan THE DETROIT Volume 6, MARINE HISTORIAN No.9 May - June, 1953 ANNOUNCEMENT : FORK KK KK KK Now that spring is almost here we are pleased to announce once again our annual Picnic Meeting, Saturday afternoon and evening, June 6th, at the Fort Malden Museum grounds in Amherstburg. Our fellow member, Mr.David Botsford, Curator of the Museum, and Mrs.Botsford, will be our hosts. The usual picnic will be held in the afternoon and early evening on the grounds, and the meeting will convene in the Museum Annex at 8 P.M. Bring your basket of sandwiches and fill the thermos. Sugar and cream will be provided, and there'll be extra coffee brewing in the reliable and ven- erable Botsford urn. The speaker of the evening will be Mr.Fred Landon of London, Ont., author of "Lake Huron" and widely known authority on Canadian history. Mr.Landon is an active member of our Society, a frequent contributor to the "Detroit Marine Historian" and author of several of the stories in "Ships That Never Die." Those of us who heard him speak in our past meet- ings will not want to miss this one and will recommend it to all. As usual, our friends and guests are always welcome. At this meeting also we will cast our bablots for the election of the four members of our Society's Ad¥isory Council for the three year term, 1953-1966. Your ballot is enclosed herewith. It should either be cast at the June meeting or mailed to your Treasurer so as to reach him not later than Thursday, June 4th. Robert A.Zeleznik,Secretary ROKK KOK KOK KOK KK KOK OK R ROK OK ROK OK R ROR OK OR OK OK OR OR OK ROR KOR OK ® MASTHEAD Our illustration this month is the Bob-Lo excursion steamer STE.CLAIRE. On Saturday, May 30th, the Bob*Lo Steamers will begin another season. As in past years our Society again engcourages its members to join our informal get-together on the first sailing, leaving the foot of Woodward Ave. at 10 A.M. We who like the ships have a wonder- ful opportunity in the Bob-LO steamers. wok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK KK KK KKK KK KK KK SHIPS The Hindman Transportation Company has purchased the Canaller RISACUA (ex ANTICOSTI, ex GLENCLOVA,1921) and has renamed her GEORGE HINDMAN. The PAUL H.TOWNSEND (ex COASTAL DELEGATE) has gone into service after christening at Yetroit, April 30th. The WILLIAM CLAY FORD was launched at the Rouge on May 5th. Capt Frank Becker was again the genial host to many friends who watched the spectacle from the tug G.F. BECKER. The new JOHN J.BOLAND was launched at Manitowoc on May 9th. The G@ouble ender ferry ELMER W.JONES, formerly operating on the St.Lawrence has been purchased for use in the Bay of St.John's, Newfoundland. Capt. T.S.Patterson has been made commodore of the Canada Steamship Lines fleet. The new bulk freighter RESERVE of the Columbia Transportation Company went into operation early this month.