SHIPS SARANAC - THAT steel sin- NEVER gle screw DIE (#45) freighter, bu 1890 by Globe at Cleveland for the Lehigh Valley R.R. One stack nearly amidship and four tall masts. Driven by triple expan- sion engines of 24", 38" & 61" dia. by 42" stroke. Built in the days when both speed & beauty were factors Ss in design,S. JAC and her four sis- ter ships are con- sidered by many to have been the finest looking steamers on the Great Lakes. Dimensions 290 x 40, speed about 16 m.p.h. Black hull, white cabins, yellow spars, black stack with maroon band and white letters "L.V." on black diamond. Her sister vessels were E.P.WILBUR (later BETHLEHEM) of 1888, SENECA, 1889, agd CAYUGA and TUSCARORA of 1890. Their usual route was between Buffalo and Chicago in the fast merchandise trade. OcesSionalyy they made trips to Lake Superior. In every port of call people stopped to look at these trim ships. Once the SARANAC made the run from Soo Loack to Detroit in 22 hours, a record exceeded only by s few of the newest freighters. SARANAC and her sisters wer requisitioned by the U.S.Shipping Board for war duty in 1917 and were taken to the Coast. On her way out SARANAC ran aground outside Halifax harbor, but was soon refloated. Before going into ocean service she was renamed MINGO. She was sunk by enemy action in the North Atlantic in 1918. The early steel vessels of the package freight ships represented the finest in design and speed on the Lakes in their time. Ships in those days possessed an individual ity which seems to be less evident in the larger and more efficient vessels of our own times. eR KK KK KKK KOK KK K KK KK KK KK KK OK KK KR OK KKK KK KK KOK Ships of the Lehigh Valley Transit oom ‘ eee N.Y., 1881 - 1919. 1. Wooden bulk freighters used in ccaat tra Strs. ROBERT A PACKER, 1881 Bay ‘city, 203 x ath 921 aan OGBANIGA, 1881 Bay ide 263 x 37, 1490 g.t. CLYDE, 1881 Bay City, 270 x 36, 1305 g. Sea lacer STANSTEAD & COLIN W. TACOMA 1881 ¢C Clevelena, 260 x 39, 1874 oe HARRY E. PACKER, 1882 Cleveland, 226 x 35, 1142 FRED MERCUR, 1882 Buffalo, 232 x 35, 1224 g.t. Beene, St.Lawrence, '25. 2. Steel Package freight s ships Strs. E.P.WILBUR, 1888 Cleveland, 290 x 40, 2663 g.t. Later BETHLEHEM. SENECA, 1889 Cleveland, 290 x 40, 2669 g.t. To coast, 1917 CAYUGA, 1890 Cleveland, 290 x 40, 26 669 e* Sunk in Collision, 1895. S. AC, 1890 Cleveland, 290 x 40, 2669 g.t TUSCARORA, 1890 Cleveland, 290 x 40, 2386 g.t. To coast, 1917. MAUCH CHUNK, 1901 Buffalo, 38h x 50, 1625 &-t. ueter. W.Jd. GONNERS and UNGER (Iceland). WILKSBARRE, 1901 Buffalo, 384 x 50, 4279 g.t. Later EDWARD E.LOOMIS,™ 2 ee 1940, Hamilton, Ont. 3. Steel lighter BATAVIA, 1904 Buffalo, 98 x 28, 202 g.t. 4. Chartered vessels: JOHN V.MORAN, 1888 Bay city wood, 1350 g.t. Sunk,1899. I.W.NICHOLAS, 1894 Clevelana, 328 x 42, 262k got. steel. Ren. INLAND.