Marine Historical Society OF DETROIT, INC. John C.Goodrich, Vice Pres. 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan Robert A.Zeleznik, President 15 Dime Building, etroit 26, Michigan John R.Campbell, Treasurer 1575 Cleveland, Lincoln Park, Michigan John E.Poole, Seoretary . 8236 Ford Ave., Van Dyke, Michigan THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 6, No.10 Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J.,Editor July - August ,1953 University of Detroit, Detroit 21,Mich. ANNOUNCEMENT: 4 g : In September our Society begins its Tenth season. With the program well under way toward completion we are looking forward to another success- ful year. Herewith are the lists of dates and places of our forthcoming gatherings: September 12 - Saturday - Picnic Meeting at Malden Museum. October 28 - Wednesday - Regular “eeting, 8 P.M.) In the small November 25 - Wednesday - i) a a ) auditorium of January 13 - Wednesday - " " ) University of February 24 - Wednesday - " " n ) ~=Detroit Libra- March 24 - Wednesday - " f " ) ~ry,McNichols Ré. May 1 - Saturday - Dinner Meeting. Location to be announced later. June 5 - Saturday - Picnic Meeting at. Amherstburg, etc. The speakers, most of whom have been engaged already, will be announced in the issue of the "Marine Historian" preceding the various meetings. Our first meeting for the coming season will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening, September 12, on the grounds of the Fort Malden Mus- eum at Amherstburg. This is the traditional location of our opening and concluding meetings of each season. Throughout the years Mr.Botsforaé has been our generous host, for which we express our deep appreciation. The speaker at the September meeting will be Mr.Al.Palmer. The annual election which was held at the June meeting returned Jack Goodrich, Bob Zeleznik and ¥r.Dowling to the Society's Advisory Board for the regular three-year term, 1953 - 1956. Newly elected to the Board for the same period was Capt.Joseph E.Johnston, curator and commander of the marine museum schooner J.T.WING, at Belle Isle. We welcome Capt.John- ston, who has long been an active and loyal member of our Society, and who has done a fine job for the Detroit Historical Society with the WING project. On June 23rd the Advisory Council met for its yearly election of officers. Bob Zeleznik was elected President, Jack Goodrich re-elected Vice President, John Poole was elected Secretary,amd John Campbell was elected Treasurer. John E.Poole, Secretary KOK KOK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ROK OK OK OR OK OR OK OR OK OK OK OK OR RR KOK OK OK OK Ok MASTHEAD Our masthead cut for this issue is an engraving of the little - wooden sidewheeler PEARL, contributed by John Poole. The PEARL was built at Detroit in 1871 and measured 551 gross tons. For many years she operated in the "Erie Islands" area, usually running excursions out of Cleveland to Put In Bay and the other island resorts. Later she operated on the Buffato - Niagara River service.