SHIPS ROTHESAY CASTLE THAT - Iron paddle NEVER steamer, built DIE n 1861 at Ren- (#47) Trew, on the Clyde, Scotland by Messrs. William Si- mons & Co. for service on the Clyde and ad- joining waters. Length 200 feet, tonnage, 427 gross, driven by two oscillating engines of 600 h.p. each. She was the fourth of five well known steamers on bcs ee to bear the ROTHESAY CASTLE. In the early Sixties there was keen rivalry between the Ciyae steamers, especially the RUBY, the NEPTUNE, and the ROTHESAY CASTLE, and the current Ges cripe sens of pu of their little "brushes" were, at least thrilling, if not hair-raising. ROTHESAY CASTLE seems to have been consistent- ly the fastest. One historian cites her run between Be Lnee ay, and Broomielaw (approximately 60 mi.) in 2 hours & 28 minutes as " A performance never equalled before or since," ( McQueen - "Echoes of the bla Clyde Paddle Wheels"). In 1863 the ROTHESAY CASTLE was sold for 8500 Pounds to Confeder- ate interests and used as a blockade runner in the Civil War. She survived this conflict and shortly after its conclusion was brought to Lake Ontario, was rebuilt for passenger service between Toronto and the Niagara River in conjunction with the Canada ag tig Railway. At this time her name was changed to SOUTHERN BELLE. 1877 she was given a complete rebuilt, with new sponsons on her hull, a me lifted 20 inches, her engines over- | hauled. The hull work on this project was done by Messrs Neil Currie & Co., and her engine adjustments were done by her chief engineer, Mr.A.J.Cameron. In the following years she generally ran as an opposition boat to another former blaakade runner, the CHICORA (See DMH,v.6,no.8)/ Her greatest speed and efficiency was demonstrated once late in the * Seventies, when she made the trip from Toronto to Lew&ston in 1 hour and 57 minutes, running with a head of steam at only 25 to 30 pounds pressure. The SOUTHERN BELLE gav quarter of a century of good service on Lake Satarie before she finally wore out and had to be retired. She was broken up about 1891. KK KK KK KK KK KK RK OK KK KKK KOK KOK KK OK * ke OK KOK OK KK OK OK Pittsburgh Steamship Co., Cont'd. CBRSICA, 1888 Cleveland, 299 x 4l.From Mutual Transportation Co.,2-'0l. Sold, 1912. To coast, 1917. (Illustration in DMH, v.5,no.2). HENRY CORT (Whaleback #125), 1892 Superior, 320 x 42. Erom, Bassemer 8.S.Co., 3-01, Sold 1926, Wrecked, Muskegon, 1934. (See DMH v.6, no.7). GBORGB G.C ‘ORD, (ex LE- -D. RAFFE ) , 1907 Lorain for Weston Transit Co.(Mills). Purchased by Pittsburgh in 1910. cert CITY, 1897 Chicago. x 48. From Zenith oe Co.,2-'01. Sold 1928, later CARL D.MEYERS. WILLIAM B.DICKSON, 1907, Torain. Built for the line. 580 x 58. eR KR KK OK KOK OK KOK OK OK OK OK Picture at right: The BRITON