Che Detroit Marine Historian JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. John C. Goodrich, Vice Pres 116 Farrand Park, Highland Park 3, Michigan Robert A. Zeleznik, Pres. 2015 Dime Building, Detroit 26, Michigan John R. Campbell, Treasurer 1575 Cleveland, Lincoln Park, Michigan John E. Poole, Secretary 8236 Ford Ave., Van Dyke, Michigan Volume 7, No. & ‘ : Z December, 1953 Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S. J., Editor University of Detroit, Detroit 21, Mich. The SIR WILLIAM SIEMENS of 1896 Pesha Photo SHIPS OF THE PITTSBURGH STEAMSHIP COMPANY - PART IV Editor's Note: In our last installment we omitted the barge MAIDA from the listing. Here is the information on it: MAIDA, barge, 1898 Superior, 376 x 46. Sold 1927, later converted into self-unloader. We also stated the length of the THOMAS LYNCH to be 680 ft instead of the correct 580. Also during the past month, Pittsburgh has put up for sale, five of its smallest and oldest freighters, ROBERT W.E.BUNSEN, CORNELL, MALIETOA, SAMUEL F.B.MORSE, and GEN.ORLANDO M.POE. .. . We continue our fleet listby inserting here the large group of numbered whaleback barges, which were acquired from the American Steel Barge Co. in March, 1901. If you wish to follow strict alpha- betical order, insert this group immediately after IRVING S.OLDS, near the » end of the list in the last number. Barge ere 1890, Duluth, 275 x 36. Sold 1905, later BARONESS. 107, 1890 Superior, 276 x 36. Sold 1905, later BOMBAY. " 109; 1890 Superior, 276 x 36, Sold 1905, later BARAVIA. ® 110, 1891 Superior, 276 x 36. Sold 1905, later BADGER.