MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. ANNOUNCEMENT: Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 24th at 8.P.. In Room 311 of the University of Detroit Library. Our program will be centered around the history and operations of the Canada Steamship © Lines, and will be featured by a talk by our feklow member Mr.Frank J.McAllis: who is the Windsor agent for C.S.L. Mr.McAllister is an interesting speaker and has a lot of "know how" about the Dominion's largest maritime enterprise. Come and invite your friends. Mark the date now for our annual dinner meeting. It will be held on Saturday evening, May 1, at the Norton-Pglmer Hotel in Windsor, with Capt. Frank Becker as the speaker. John E.Poole, Secretary Announcement: According to the constitutions of our S,ciety, your president is directed to appoint a Nominating Committee, whose function is to prepare the slate for the June elections. The committe appéinted is composed of John Pools Chairman, Capt.Joseph E.Johnston, Albin Jackman and G,orge Schafer. There wil: be four places to be filled on our Advisory Council af the June election. All members of the Society are ugged to present their wishes to the committee soo: The following, because their term of office on the Council has one or two years to run, are not eligible for nomination at this time, Mr.Campbell, Fr. Dowling, Mir.Goodrich, Capt.J.E.Johnston, Mr.Poole, Mr.K.E. Smith, Capt. Taylor, Mr.Zeleznik, and Mr. Botsford. Those who make nominations, should first as- certain that the person nominated is willing to serve if elected. Robert A.Zeleznik, President OR ROK OK RO KOR OR OK OK ROR RK KK OK OK OR OR OK ROR OR ROK OK OR OK OR OR OR Rk KS SHIPS The self unloaders ROBERT J.PAISLEY (ex J.E.SAVAGE, ex THOMAS BRITT, ex CHRISTOPHER) and BEN E.TATE (ex WILLIAM NELSON, ex PANAY) have beer bought by Columbia Transportation Company. The Panamanian freighter ADELAIDE éex/J.E.GORMAN, ex NORTH LAKE) has been sold to Japanese shipbreakers. The Finnish freighter PANKAKOWSKI (ex W.W.ATTERBURY, ex CONEMAUGH) has been sold to Hong Kong buyers. The British freighter ANDREW M. (ex WALDO HILL, 1943 Stur- geon ed has been sold to India. The British freighter CHARLES M. (ex FREE- MAN HATCH, 1943 S,urgeon Bay) has been sold to Panama. Work is nearing com- pletion at Manitowoc on the lengthening and repowering of the car ferry PERE ‘TTE 21. At the same shipyard new staterooms have been installed on the car ferry ANN ARBOR No.6. Jupiter Steamship Company has acquired the CORNELL and MALIETOA from Pittsburgh S,eamship Division. OK OK ROR OK KOK ROR OK OK KOR OK OK OK KOR OK OK KK KK KK OK KOK OK OR OK KOK OK OK OK OK Below: The Goodrich propellors DEPERE (left), and WISCONSIN.