In Memoriam JOHN EMERAL POOLE 1884 - 1954 When our President announced that our Secretary was unable to attend the June meeting due to serious illness, it was, in the memory of the older members present, the first time that John Poole had missed a ~ meeting of our Society. Such was the loyalty and devotion of the man who, six days later, was called from this life. From the time he had joined the Marine Historical Society of. Detroit in November 1944, John Poole had worked untiringly for its best inter- ests. He was named to membership in the first Advisory Council, in which group he continued until it befell his lot to be the first of its members to be called by death. He was Bresident of our Society from 1951 to 1953 and Secretary during the past year. He served on many committees during the ten years of the Society's existence. John Poole's record of loyalty and performance will live on and be an inspiration and guide for us all. Our gratitude, both for what he did and for what he was, can never allow us to fail to remember him. In the name of the whole Society the Marine Historian takes this op- portunity to convey to Mrs Poole our sincerest expressions of sorrow and sympathy. May God grant him eternal rest. MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, 'NC. ANNOUNCEMENT: The following were elected to the Advisory Council of our Society in the election held at last June's meeting at Amherstburg, Messrs. Thomas Dancey, Oscar Gregoire, Curtis Haseltine and Frank McAllister. The latter two gentlemen are beginning their first term on our Board, while Messrs Dancey ahd Gregoire were reelected. Mr.Hazeltine is Marine Editor of the Detroit "Free Press" and Mr.McAllister is the Windsor agent for Canada Steamships Lines, Ltd. The "Marine Historian welcomes them to our group of officers. On June 23rd, the Advisory Board for the coming year met for the purpose of electing officers. The results of this election were as follows Bob Zeleznik was reelected President, Frank McAllister was elected Vice-Presi- dent, Jack Goodrich was elected Secretary, and John Campbell was reelected Treasurer. We are able at this time to publish the tentative schedule of meeting dates for the coming year, which are as follows: September llth, Saturday, Picnic, February 19th, Saturday, Banquet October 27th, Wednesday, Evening, March 23rd, Wednesday, Evening. November 24th, Wednesday, Evening, April 27th, Wednesday, Evening January 12th, 1955, Wednesday Eve, June 4th, Saturday, Picnic, etc. Most of the speakers have been engaged. Their names, programs, and the location of the various meetings will be announced each month in the Marine Historian. One noteworthy change from previous custom is that of havin our annual dinner meeting earlier than heretofore. Several of our members who sail have requested this so that they can attend, and for this reason the dinn has been set at a date before the opening of navigation. > Our first meeting of the new season will be held at the Fort. Malden Museum on Saturday, September llth. As is customary with the September meeting, it is also a picnic, and all our members are invited to come to the grounds of the Museum any time they wish during the day. The meeting proper, at approximately 8 P.M. will feature movies of tugboat and salvage operations to be shown by Capt.d.Earl Mc Queen and his staff. Remember this date.