MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY | Masthead: A sketch of C.S.L. ST.LAWRENCE taken OF DETROIT, INC. from a newspaper ad of the line's Saguenay Cruise Robert A. Zeleznik, Pres. John R. Campbell, Treasurer John C. Goodrich, Secretary 2015 Dime Building, 1575 Cleveland, 4328 Adams Court, Detroit 26, Michigan Lincoln Park, Michigan Wayne, Michigan ~ eK KKK KK KR KR KK KK KK KOK OK KK KR OK KKK KK KK KK KK K KK ANNOUNCEMENT: Our January meeting will be held on Wednesday evening the 12th, at the Edison Boat Club at the foot of Lycaste street on the River. The meeting will convene at 8 P.M. At the last two meetings members of our Society have found it convenient and congenial to have their supper at E.B.C. where a good selection may be had reasonably. Again our members and their guests will be welcome. The dining room will be ready at 6 P.M. Those who plan to have their meal at the club are asked to inform Ken Smith at Townsend 6-4494 sometime on Tuesday. The program of the next meeting will feature movies in color taken by our fellow member, Herb Radunz of Pontiac. They will include trips to Lake Erie, and on the Detroit & St.Clair Rivers on the D.& C. ships, a motor boat trip up the Canadian shore of Lake Huron, and a brief shot of the burning of the PUT IN BAY. You will surely enjoy the pictures and Herb's very interesting comments. Plan now to attend, and invite your friends. Do not forget our annual Dinner Meeting, which will be held this year on February 19th, Saturday, at the Norton Palmer Hotel in Windsor, where we had so enjoyable a gathering last April. Mr.Oscar Gregoire, whose perfect planning accounted for last year's success, will again be chairman of the arrangements for our February meeting. Mark the date now. John C.Goodrich, Secretary ** KK KK KK KR KK KK KK KKK KK KK KK KKK KK KK KK KK KK SHIPS Pittsburgh SS has announced winter layup locations for all but six WG of its fleet: At oppet tet KERR, TRIMBLE, CRAWFORD, BUFFINGTON, SCHILLER, BAKER, COLE, PI ENER, COREY, FRIG@K & PERKINS. 4 Milwauk- ee; FRASER, AVERY, SLOAN, IRVIN, MILLER HULST, LAMONT, THOMAS, TO: AFFLECK, HARVEY, LINDABURY, CLEMSON, WILLIAMS & OLCOTT. "h Lorain; McGONAGLE, ANDERSON, CALLOWAY, CLARKE, STANLEY & WATSON. At Monroe OLD, FATRLESS, VOORHEES, FILBERT, PALMER & REAM. At Toledo; Fine. HOUSE, DINKEY, LYNCH, "MORGAN, ROGERS, GARY, EDENBORN & GATES. At Cleveland; *ELL- wooD & HILL. At Ba Git for new boilers, etc.,ZIESING. As in the past we will endeavor to eS our readers with as mich information as possible on the location of ships during the winter. Our members living in various lake port cities will do us a great favor if they will inform your editor of the names of the ships laid up in their locality. Many thanks. we OR OR KOR OK KOK RK OK ROK OK KR OR OK OK OK OK OR OR OK OK OK KK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK At Left is the A.E.R.SCHNEIDER as she appeared in the colors of Cliffs' sub- sidiary, The Morrow S.S.Co. The ship is a rebuild of the CHARLES R.VAN HISE. For an : interesting w comparison, -see the picture on the front page of DMH, ¥.7,no, ,» just a year ago.