SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE (#61) BANNOCK- BURN-S8teel Canaller, Built 1893 Middles- borough, England for Mont- real Trans- portation Co. 244 x 40, 1736 g. t. Three masts and one stack. ** * * The fabled WFiying Dutchman" ‘ = was an old RN time sailing Montreal Transportation Co's freighter BANNOCKBURN vessel that mysteriously vanished and was never heard from again. Salt water tars claim to have seen the old dutchman riding majestically along the waves on wild & stormy nights. When the Flying Dutchman is seen sailors interpret the vision as an ill omen. The "Flying Dutchman of the Lakes" is not an 01d time man of war, but the relatively modern steel freighter described above. Through pilot house windows sailors have said they've looked across the tossing water: of Lake Superior and watched the three masts and tall stack of the BANNOCKBURI ride past in misty majesty. So goes the tale. It was on a cold morning late in the season of 1902 cleared Supverio) for the lower Lakes. Late that evening the upbound passenger vessel HURONIC reported passing the BANNOCKBURN as the latter pushed westward across a quiet lake. Though no storm was reported on that or succeeding nights, the BANNOCK- BURN vanished completely. No other ship ever saw it, and for more than a year no wreckage was found. Some 15 months later a lifebelt bearing the name of the missing ship was found on the shore, and around 1927, about a quarter of a century afterward a boat's oar with the name BANNOCKBURN faintly legible was also reported found. For allpractical purposes Lake Superior has never divulged the secret. None of the many conjectures advanced to explain the event can account for the lack of floating wreckage Around the tradition of the "Flying Bieenient the English sailor- novelist, Capt.Frederick Marryat penned a classic story called "The Phantom Ship, "wherein the riddle and mystery are solved, theoretically, and the novel ends with the triumphant words "and the Phantom Ship sailed the seas no more." But on the Great Lakes, especially Lake Superior, fhe BANNOCKBURN sails on. wR OR OR KOR KK KOK KOK OK KOK OK KK OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK NOTE The BANNOCKBURN was an exact duplicate of the first ROSEMOUNT (later AUBE.) During much of her career her consort was the four-masted schoon- er MINNEDOSA, a wooden ship built in 1890 at Kingston, and which herself was lost by foundering a few years after the BANNOCKBURN. The freighters of thes Montreal Transportation Co fleet had black hulls, dark brown cabins and blacw stacks with the white letters "MTCo" on the side. Most of these ships had names ending in "Mount." The WESTMOUNT of Canada Steamship Lines is one of the last ships built for Montreal Transportation Co., whose fleet was taken into C.S.L. for operation in 1916 and ownership in 1920.