MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Robert A. Zeleznik, Pres. F. J. McAllister, Vice Pres. John R. Campbell, Treasurer John C. Goodrich, Secretary 2015 Dime Building, 444 Sandwich St., W., 1575 Cleveland, 4328 Adams Court, Detroit 26, Michigan Windsor, Ontario Lincoln Park, Michigan Wayne, Michigan ANNOUNCEMENT: On Saturday, February 19th, we will have our annual Dinner Meeting, at 6:30 P.M. at the Norton-Palmer Hotel in Wind- sor. The charge, including tip, for the Roast Beef dinner will be $2.25, payable to our Treasurer as you enter. Please return the enclosed reserva- tion card as soon as possible, and in any event not later than Thursday, February 17th. we After dinner the program, arranged by Mr.Frank McAllister, will include a talk by Mr.H.A.Cresswell, Vice President of Canada Seeman Lines, on the history of that fleet, followed by a showing of C.S.L's color movie of their Saguenay Cruise. Plan now to attend. Do not forget our March Meeting, on Wednesday evening, the 23rd. Tentatively a program of slides or projections from photographs is planned for this gathering. Complete details will appear in the March is- sue of the "Marine Historian. John C.Goodrich, Secretary ee eK RK KOK KR OK KOR KK OK KR KOK KK OK KOK KK KK OK OK KK OK KOK OK OK SHIPS The sandsucker MISS MUDHEN II is the former U.S.Lighthouse tender MARIGOLD. The contract has been awarded to Christy Corporation of Sturgeon Bay for a new 72 ft. steel passenger ferry for the Charlevoix to Beaver Island line. The new vessel,as yet unnamed, replaces the NORTH SHORE. The frgighter SANTA MARTHA ( ex LAKE INAHA), built at Lorain in 1919, and for many years thereafter a barge in the Ford Fleet, was wrecked off Santo Ag pee Brazil, 11-25- “ts The Lake Michigan tanker REPUBLIC PITTSBURGH MINNEAPOLIS HUSKY 41) has been renamed CLARK MILWAUKEE. M.A.Hanna Co. has traded the Fralguters LOUIS W.HILL and ALBERT E.HEEKIN (ex WILLIAM A.AMBERG) to the Wilson Transit Co. for the freighter BEN MOR- EEL (ex E.d.KULAS ii, ex WILLIAM C.ATWATER 1). Well authenticated rumors state that Hanna wili rename the latter THOMAS MILLSOP ii. WINTER We are déeply grateful to the large number of our members who have LAYUPS sent us lists of ships laid up in the various great lakes ports. We are including as many lists as space will permit in this issue, and the remainder will appear in March. Our sincere thanks to all senders. At Milwaukee, Wis. AFFLECK, AVERY, BARGE NO.51, BENNETT, CLEMSON, CLYDE, FRASER, HARVEY, HULST, IRVIN, JOHNSON, B.F.JONES, LAMONT, LINDABURY, GOV. MILLER, invDsE, ROGERS, SCHOONMAKER, SLOAN, L.C. SMITH, THOMAS, J.E.UPSON, H.D.WILLIAMS 4, ES Ee WG Ee ala Soe ie ie we si , 3K x *