SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE #62 PETOSKEY Wooden passen- ger & freight propellor, built at Manitowoc 1888 by Rand & Burger for the Seymour Transportation Co. for service between Chicago, Mackinac Island and way ports. Dimensions 171 x 30, 770 gross, 544 net tons. One stack and one tall mast. Original colors, black hull to main éeck, white upper hull & cabins, black stack. Extra heavy @tte & planking enabled PET- OSKEY to operate in the winter. In 1895 the Sey- mour Trans.@o. & the Northern Michigan Line combined to form the Northern Michigan Trans- SKEY portation Co. PETO; PETOSKEY at Traverse City 0.1890 continued in the NMTCo. Photo by the late Mr.A."Commodore” Petertyl, courtesy of service antil replaced our fellow member, Leslie Petertyl of Traverse City. by larger steel ships. She then ran for the Hart Transportation Co. of Green Bay for 4 or 5 years, after which she was sold to the Chicago & South Haven SS Co. (rae the Dunkley Line). Here she served her longest period in one ownership, better than 20 years. It 4 might be added that at various times she was chartered to dther operators, e.g. to Graham & Morton in the winter of 1895, while Crosby had her in 1908 & 1909 after the burning of the NAOMI. Around 1928 PETOSKEY became part of the West Ports Navigation Co., serving now only as a freighter. When Goodrich bought out West Ports in 1930 PETOSKEY was laid up and saw little active duty from then on. She was one of the five or six old vessels destroyed in the Sturgeon Bay shipyards fire in the autumn of 1935. - - - According to legend PETOSKEY should have been a bad luck ship, for it is said she was launched on a Friday and came out for her maiden trip on a Friday. But, far from any such jinx, this typical Lake Michigan type propellor gave 42 years of reliable service. Rand & Burger built good ships and PETOSKEY was no ex- ception. E.J.D. xe KKK KK KK KK KKK KK KK KK KK KK KK OK KK KK KK K pik er & Ontario Fleet, ee tae from p.3 Bge. BLANCHE H (ex BLANCHE SIR ares LOTHIAN BELL) eee Bulk frt.pge., built 1896 at a Bay C: for Bessemer. 365 x 4 Renamed BLACK RIVER. Converted to aetiee drive, 1952. In vee fleet. 1949 Bge. MERLE H. (ex JAMES NASMYTH) purchased. Steel bulk freight barge built at W.Bay City, 1896 for Bessemer. 365 x 46. Renamed PIC RIVER. Converted to Ttesel’ drive, 1952. In present fleet. 1950 Str. ELIN HOPE (Norwegian) chartered for salt water service, replacing 1954 MS. BAIE COMEAU, steel canaller built for the fleet at Plymouth,Wales. 1955 MS. MANICOUAGAN’ (11), steel canaller, built for the fleet at Ply- mouth, Wales. To be delivered for opening of navigation, 1955. NOTE The recently published book "Trees to News" by Garl Weigman (1953, Toronto, McClelland & Stewart) describes the extensive operations of tne Tribune paper making subsidiaries and the fleet. The above list is ta- em therefrom. Credit, therefore, for this article should go to Ted Jones of Sunderland, Ontario, who sent us a copy of this book.