SHIPS WASHBURN - - THAT Whaleback #124, NEVER steel, single screw DIE bulk freighter, (#65) built in 1891 at W. Superior, Wis. by Alexander McDougall's Am- erican Steel Barge Co. Dimensions 320 x 42 x 25, 223 gross tons,1571 net. With her sister ship, PILLSBURY (#125), she was built for the Minneapolis, St.Paul & Sault Ste.Marie Railway for the grain trade. Black hull, white cabins and black stack with "Soo Line" emblem on sides. Port of registry, Gladstone, Mich. In 1897 these t wo whalebacks were sold to the Bessemer S.S. Co. (Rockefeller Fleet) & used as ore carriers. The Photo by the late Mr.A."Commodore” Petertyl, courtesy of WASHBURN was then renamed our fellow member, Leslie Petertyl of Traverse City. JAMES B.NEILSON, and the white letter "B" was paint- ed over the emblem on the stack. In her early days with Bessemer her barge or consort was the JOHN SCOTT-RUSSELL (whaleback #103). In 1901 all the Bess- emer freighters went into the Pittsburgh Fleet, hence the NEILSON for a quar- ter of a century thereafter sailed as a "Silver Stacker." In 1926 she was sof”) to the Spokane Transit Co., of Detroit and renamed J.T.REID. She was decked baad over with a timber superstructure for ‘the automobile trade on Lake Erie, and for almost a decade carried new autos from Detroit to Cleveland. At that time there were two other whalebacks competing with her, namely, PROGRESS (ex PATH- FINDER, #123) and SOUTH PARK (ex FRANK ROCKEFELLER, whaleback #136, and at present the tanker METEOR). The J.T.REID was scrapped at Cleveland in 1936. Se a ke RK KOR OK Sk OK Oe Ok APOLOGIES Your Editor was tempted to caption the above description "Under The Fantail" - which is the title Mr.Ja¥ Allen uses for his very interesting column of reminiscences in "Steamboat Bill." Incidentally, dont forget the joint meeting of SSHSA and MHSD at Buffalo, June 25th and 26th. A ride on the Buffalo fireboat and a trip on the CAYUGA aré on the program. KOK OR ROR OR KK OK OK OK OR OK ROR ROK OK OK OR OK OK OR RR OK OR OR KOK OK OR OK OK OK KOK OK OF NEXT Our next number will reach you in early August. There'll be a list of ISSUE next year's meetings, the first instalment of the Hutchinson Fleet, and a description of the ill-fated ALGOMA in SHips That Never Die. KOK KK OK KR KR ROR OK OK OK OR OR OR OR KR ORK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK The RICHELIEU AND ONTARIO Fleet list, continued from p.3: SAGUENAY - built. Resumed operations in 1934-35 as a package freighter (Cont'd) running between Montreal and Quebec. Sold 1946 to China and ; renamed KIANG YONG. Driven ashore, 1949, released and re- f named YANGTZE PHOENIX. Lost in 1951 in typhoon. NOTE: SAGUENAY was the last unit built for the R.& 0.Fleet, which became part of Canada Steamship Lines in 1914. In later years C.S.L. added to am its R.& 0.Division the steamers CAPE TRINITY (ex SYRACUSE, ex GERONIA), we WHITE STAR, BATISCAN (ex UNITED STATES), RICHELIEU (ex NARRAGANSETT), and three new vessels built in 1926 and 1927, ST.LAWRENCE, QUEBEC and TADOUSSAC. Today, RICHELIEU, St.LAWRENCE & TADOUSSAC are the only passen- ger ships still operating in C.S.L. (In a future issue of DMH we will feature an account of the Ottawa River Navigation Co., by Mr.Shepherd.) ©