The "B A PEERLESS" PART I: Ships built on the GREAT LAKES ARTHUR M.ANDERSON (US 264207), bulk freighter built at Lorain by American SB Co., 1952, for Pittsburgh SS Div. 647 x 70 x 36. Turbine engines, 7000 hp. Speed 16 mph. Capacity 19500 t. ARMCO (US 265621), bulk freighter built at Lorain by American SB Co.,1953 for Columbia Transportation Co. 647 x 70 x 36. Turbine engines, 7000 hp. Speed lémph. Capacity, 19500 tons B.A.PEERLESS (Can 194747), oil tanker, built at Collingwood, 1952 by Collingwood Shipyards, Ltd. for British American 0il Co. 620 x 68 x 34.6. Turbine engines, 4500 hp. Speed l4mph. BADGER (US 285156), Railway ferry, built at Sturgeon Bay by Christy Corp. for Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. 410 x 60 x 24. Skin- ner Uniflow engines, 8000 hp. Speed 18 mph. Capacity 32 cars. BAIE COMRAU (Can 195611), Canal size bulk freighter built by Atlantic SB Co.,Ltd., at Plymouth, Wales for Quebec & Ontario Transportation Co. Diesel engines. Speed 11 mph. E.B.BARBER (Can 194485), bulk freighter, built by Port Arthur Shipyards, Ltd.,1953, for Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. 575 x 59 x 31. Turbine engines, 3300 hp. Speed 14 mph. BELVOIR (Can ), canal size bulk freighter built by Magee at Port Colborne, 1955 for Beaconsfield Steamships, Ltd. Diesel engines. Speed c.11 mph. The "BADGER" ©)