MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. John R. Campbell, Pres. F. J. McAllister, Vice Pres. Kenneth E. Smith, Treasurer Robert A. Zeleznik, Secretary 1575 Cleveland, 444 Sandwich St., W., 153 Monterey, 2015 Dime Building, Lincoln Park, Michigan Windsor. Ontario Highland Park 3, Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan ANNOUNCEMENT: Our January meeting will be held on Wednesday the llth at 8 | at the Edison Boat Club, foot of Lycaste Street. Those of our Society who may wish to come to the Boat Club for supper will be welcome, and will end a good menu at reasonable prices. In order to permit all ry a ts to be made in time, those who plan to come for supper are asked to inform Ken Smith (Phone TOwnsend 6-4494) not later than Monday evening, January 9th. Our speaker for this meeting will be Mr.Max McCray who is associa ted with the Detroit office of Boland & Cornelius, and who was formerly Chair- man of the Detroit Port Authority. Mr.McCray is an interesting speaker and a man well informed in all phases pf Great Lakes shipping and port operations. His topic will be: "Detroit, Its Place on the Lakes and the Seas." On Saturday evening, February the 18th, we will have our annual dinner meeting. This will again be held at the Norton-Palmer Hotel in Windsor where we have had several recent similar meetings, successfully and enjoyably. Mark this date now and plan to come and invite your friends. Complete details will appear in the February "Marine Historian." Robert A.Zeleznik,Secretary * RK KOK OK OK OK KR OK OK OK KK KR KK KK KR OK KK KK KK OK KK KK K KKK KK OK SHIPS ae Gordon W.Emig, commander of the TOM M.GIRDLER, passed away an c¢.llth, from injuries suffereé in an auto accident. Capt.Jake Penner of the tie °NTOMTG passed away in November. The DAN.J.MORRELL is being repow- ered at the Rouge shipyards. DETROIT EDISON and J.J.BOLAND are at Lorain for repairs & inspection. SIR T.SHAUGNESSY closed the Soo Locks, downfound on Dec.17th. Rumors indicate the sale of the Dominion Trans. Go euore oe later, * KK * * KK OK OK OK x SRR He FR a Rae oak ake CORRECTION ae our October issue, in Ships That Never Die, we ea. Shak the J.CARTER foundered in 1935, when the date should have been 1923. The typing ite was your editor's, not the author's. 44 RRO AE EO ROR RR ORO HOR EK KOR KR ROR HOH ee 4 Ok Ships of the OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY, continued from page 1: Ce VICTORIA - 1860 Hull, oe by Cantin, wooden sidewheeler, 169.5 x 23.3 t., 652 gross, 363 net, beam engine. Day passenger ship until 1873, aa “night boat until 1880. Sold 1881 to Victoria Park Co.,Toronto, & again in 1883 to Capt.St.Amour, & operated between Chatham, Windsor & Detroit. Burned near Chatham, 9-13-83. (See Masthead, from 01d ORNCo letterhead) ORK OK ROK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK KOK KOK OK OK KK K & x & Continued, next page Left: The EMPRESS in the rapids. Note her engine beam and octo- gonal pilot house. Also shows her later sma featheri: paddles.