MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. John R. Campbell, Pres. F. J. McAllister, Vice Pres. Kenneth E. Smith, Treasurer Robert A. Zeleznik, Secretary 1575 Cleveland, 444 Sandwich St., W., 153 Monterey, 2015 Dime Building, Lincoln Park, Michigan Windsor, Ontario Highland Park 3, “Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan ANNOUNCEMENT: Quy annual picnic meeting will be held on the afternoon and even- ing of Saturday, June 9th on the grounds of the Fort Malden Museum at Amherst- burg. Mr. & Mrs.David Botsford will again be our hosts. Plan now to make a day of it, invite your friends, fill the lunch basket and thermos, etc.,for a really enjoyable time. There'll be some extra coffeebrewing, as per time- honored custom, in the venerable Botsford urn. The meeting proper will convene at approximately 8 P.M. (Detroit Time) in the Museum Annex, where Jack Goodrich will present an illustrated program featuring Kodachrome slide of Great Lakes ships and scenes. Mark the date now. Your Marine Historian for July-August will reach you about the first of Aygust, as will the annual Mid-Summer Supplement. You'll be pleas- antly surprised by the latter, now well under way to completion. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. OR KOK OK OK KR OK OK OK OK KOK OK KOK OK OK KR OR OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK SHIPS: The A.M.BYERS was raised on Saturday, May 12, and towed to Toledo by the tugs SUPERIOR and MARYLAND. The E.M.FORD (ex PRESQUE ISLE) is at River Rouge yards undergding repairs. The SPARKMAN FOSTER has been equipped with the single piece hatch covers and the hatch crane, as well as the pilot house and texas from the scrapped B.F.JONES (i). The work was done at Super- ase early this month. The B.F.JONES (ii) is the former CHARLES A.PAUL (ex E.Jd ex POWHATTAN, ex GENERAL GARRETSON. (Editor's Note: We will refer to the GARRETSON in Part III of our Gilchrist Fleet list in the next ea | of DMH). Hall has sold LAWRENCECLIFFE HALL (ex VALBRUNA, ex GRANBY, ex F A. AUGSBURY) to Federal Forwarders, Ltd., who have renamed her FEDERAL EX- PORTER, and will use her in the coastwise trade. Hall, likewise, has bought the anal size self-unloader COALFAX. No new name known at present for her. BAYFAX has been acquired by Bayswater Shipping, Ltd. BAXFAX is the former American FRANK C.OSBORN. CLIFFS VICTORY (ex NOTRE DAME VICTORY) will be leng- thened 96' to a total overall of 716' next winter, The Pacific [oo lumber freighter HOWARD OLSEN, sunk on May 14 in collision with the C-4 MAR LEOPARD off Point Sur, Cal., is the former Ecorse-built (1917) FLOREFIORD, later LAKE DUNMORE, one of the first of the famous "Stemwinder" class of canal size freighters built on the Lakes during World War I. ORK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KR OK OK OR OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK KOK KOK KOK OK OK OK OK Left: The MERRIMAC ori- ginally was a schooner barge. She came to Gil- christ from the Inter Ocean line (DMH, v.4, n.9). Late in her car- eer she sailed i the Hall fleet a> ROCK FERRY. Photo, courtesy Capt.Hamilton.