MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. ‘ John R. Campbell, Pres. F. J. McAllister, Vice Pres. Kenneth E. Smith, Treasurer Robert A. Zeleznik, Secretary 1575 Cleveland, 444 Sandwich St., W., 153 Monterey, 2015 Dime Building, Lincoln Park, Michigan Windsor, Ontario Highland Park 3, “Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan g ANNOUNCEMENT: Our first meeting of the coming season will be held on Saturday September 8th at the Fort Malden Museum in Amherstburg. pei will be the usual picnic in the afternoon on the Museum grounds. Come early and one your lunch, camera, etc. for a good day. Mr. & Mrs Dave Dotetest will be our hosts. At 7:30 (Detroit time) we will convene in the Museum Annex for the meeting proper. Our speaker will be Mr.Dan A Rathsack of Ludington, whose talk is captioned "Lake Transportation, Then and Now." Mr,Rathsack is General Agent, Passenger Depabtment, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, at Lud- ington. He has spent 25 years with the C. & 0. car ferries. He is well known in his area as an active participant in civic affairs, and is present- ly serving his third term as Mayor of Ludington. He is also president of the Ludington Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. In 1955 he was named "Michigan's Most Civic-Minded Railroad Eaployee" in a statewide survey conducted by the Michigan Railroads Association. He is an interesting and engaging speaker. Plan now to attend the Amherstburg meeting. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary kee RR RR RR RR RRR RR KR RRR ROR ROR ROKR ROR RRR KOE ire 8 new canallers SARNIADOC and CALGADOC were recently completed & Collingwood, and a third, LACHINEDOC, has arrived new from Wales. Work ees 8 begun at Collingwood for a large bulk freighter, 605 x 62, a Paterson at Collingwood. ed sgh ch seme Bg OF C. Ae ‘s new WEST- Q HALL has arrived from Eu: ns Ee 2nd will be lengthened by 72' amidships, this winter ov id Chica, et itachtog other older freighters ae ae Blated for lengthening — nter, reflecting a new line of thought steamship men, namely that is more economical to increase carrying ca- easier than to increase speed by repowering. The barges MATA and MAGNA are now anchored off Clague Road, west of Cleveland, along with the WYCHEM 105, and serve as a temporary breakwall for the intake construction work there. Arnold Lines og Mackinac I,land have retired the steamship ISLAND (ex 0.H.PERRY) in ar of the new motorship MOHAWK. The new ferry between St Clair & Courtright is named QUEEN MARY. The MOYIE, stern wheeler built at Toronto in 1902 and shipped knockdown to British Columbia, is due for re- tirement soon. (See DMH v.5, no.9). SEK KR KEKE KKK KEKE KEK KKK KEKE KKK KEK KKK IN MEMORIAM Our esteemed fellow member, Charles Lincoln, a. any Ds RHEKKHEKEKK KEKE KKK KKK KK KKK KK KK * * At iat: (Tats "yeas! The NORCO, formerly the INCA, built at Ecorse in 1915. She operated on the coast until the late '20s, then returned ‘to the Bakes. She is present- ly owned by the Mara- , thon Paper Mills. fo | At right: (Page 3) The WAR FOX, early vessel of the "Laker" type.