MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Rev. Béward J. Dowling, S. J John R. Campbell, Pres. F. J. McAllister, Vice Pres. Kenneth E. Smith, Treasurer Robert A. Zeleznik, 1575 Cleveland, 444 Sandwich St., W., 153 Monterey, | 2015 Dime Building, Lincoln Park, Michigan Windsor, Ontario Highland Park 3, Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan - ANNOUNCEMENT: o Our March meeting will be held at the on Wednesday, March 20th, at 8 P.M. The nea ene ie See ba photographer from Fort Wayne, Indiana. His program will feature pictures praucl all of the Great Lakes, and also “larinescenes taken in his travels around the world pore Edison Boat Club dining room will be available for the dining pleasure of our Beare wh may wish to partake of a fine meal at reasonable rates. Ordering from the menu will be ‘ the style. If you wish to dine at the Edison Boat Club and let him know by Tuesday, March 19. i sick omarelivamnane oem Na Through the efforts of our Past President, Mr.Thomas B.Dancey, and of Mr.Scot Kobus, Commodore of the Quarterdeck Society, our April meeting promises to be one of unusual interest to our membership. Therefore keep the following date open for a very interesting day. On Saturday, April 27, our members will be the guests of the Quar- terdeck Club. This is the honorary society of the Department of Naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engineering of the University of Michigan. Here is the planned schedule of events that day: Luncheon at 1 P.M. at the U.of M. Union Building, followed by a short talk by Prof.L.A.Baier,; Chairman of the Department. This will be fol- lowed by a tour of the internationally known test tank at the U. of M. We shall have a chance to ride the towing car. Also there will be a showing of hull characteristics, launching techniques. The hull model shop will be open to our members. More complete details in the next Marine Historian. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary. .] KR KKK OK OK KOK OK OK KOK KOK OK OK OK KOK OK ROK K ROK OK KOK KK OK KOR KK KK MASEHEAD: An early print of the TASHMOO, from the original design, taken from the John Poole Memorial Collection. OK KOK OK KOK OK KOR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK KK OK OR ROK OR KOK OK OK * "Like Father like Son (in Law Felow: The omlinson "Stemwinder" COULEE Young Photos xe KK OK HHRHRHRHEHHHHH HHRHHRKRHHHHSE xk OK ROK