wo * Great Lakes Fleet of IMPERIAL OIL, L1D., Continued from first page: IMPOcO (ii), ph? Greenock, Scotland. 249 x 43 x 19.7. Sister vessel of MPEROYAL. Apparently operated only in the Maritime Pro- ies, Stranded near Halifax, N.S., 4-5-'21.. Can.135238. ROYALITE, 1916 Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 16.7. Later IMPERIAL WELLAND. » In present fleet. Can.134513. SARNOLITE, 1916 Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 16.7. Later IMPERIAL SARNIA (1) and IMPERIAL HAMILTON. In present sets Can.134315. IOCOLITE, rs Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 16.7. Later IMPERIAL KINGSTON. In present fleet. Can.134514. REGINOLITE (i), 1917 Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 23. Sold foreign after World War I. (Illustration, page 2). TALARALITE, 1917 Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 23. Later IMPERIAL MIDLAND. Sold, later dry cargo carrier WILLOWDALE. Still in service, Reoch Transports, Ltd. Can.137907. S$.0.Co.41, Steel tanker barge, 1903 Port Richmond, N.Y. for Standard Oil Co. of U.S.A. 136 x 30 x 12. One of the barges chartered inthe early years of the present century. Later was often towed by IMPERIAL. Acquired by Imperial 0il c.1917. Can.116952. WINDSOLITE, 1927 Haverton Hill on Tees, G.B. 250 x 43 x 18. Later IMPER- IAL WINDSOR. In present fleet. Can.138580. ACADIALITE, 1930 Haverton Hill on Tees, G.B. 250 x 43 x wes ie Later IM- PERIAL CORNWALL. In present fleet. Can.1544) SIMCOLITE, 1930 Haverton Hill on Tees, G.B. 250 x 43 x te a Later IM- PERIAL SIMCOE. In present fleet. Can.155282. OTTAWALITE, 1930 Haverton Hill on Tees, G.B. 175 x 32 x 13. Later IMPER- IAL OTTAWA. In present fleet. Can.155285. RIDEAULITE, tee Spc Hill on Tees, G.B. 175 x 32 x 13. Later IMPER- ACHINE. Sold, later gandsucker NIAGARA. Still it ser- ov Sees Can. 155286. IMPERIAL (11), 1938 Collingwood. 230 x 40 x 18. Diesel. Later IMPERIAL VANCOUVER. In fleet, on west coast. Can.171704. PETROLITE, 1938 Sorel. 230 x 40 x 18. Diesel. Later IMPERIAL GODERICH. In present fleet, ig the Maritimes. Can.170138. IMPERIAL nimi et el a Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 18. In present fleet. IMPERIAL LONDON, 19h8 Collingwood. 250 x 43 x 18. In fleet. Can.173214. IMPERIAL SARNIA’ (11), 1948 Collingwood. 390 x 53 x 26. In fleet, now oper= ating in Maritime Provinces. Can.173217. Continued, pe. Fok ROR OR ROR OR ROR OK OR OR OR OR KR OR OR OR OK ROK ROK OR KOK KK Pe ral rr Right: The first IMPOCO (Pesha Photo) RRR A ORK RR