The Betroit Martie Historian VOLUME 11, NO.1 JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SEPTEMBER, 1957 SOCIETY Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S. J., Editor y University of Detroit, Detroit 21, Mich. OF DETROIT, INC. ae ok Riek Ae ae ok ok oe GR Ra oe Ge Rw KOK OK OR KOK OK OK OK KK OK THE FORD FLEET NR ER The Motorship HENRY FORD II (Young Photo) The Ford Motor Company began regular shipping service on the Great Lakes in the middle Twenties. At various times since then this fleet has numbered three bulk freighters, four coastwise freighters, thirteen barges, ten tugs, seven general cargo vessels for a total of 37 uctive vessels. Also the company scrapped in the late Twenties 130 "Laker" hulls and 50 of the larger ocean-built "Submarine" type freighters. Bulk freighters: BENS off FORD, 1924 River Rouge, 612 x 62. Diesel gnainee HENRY FORD 1a, 1924 Lorain, 612 x 62. Diesel engine WILLIAM CLAY FORD, 1953 River Rouge, 647 x 70. Steam” turbine engines. Lake and Coast Type shi CHESTER, 1931 River Estes, 300 x 43. Stean turbine, twin screw. EDGEWATER, 1931 River Rouge, 300 x 43. Steam turbine, twin screw, later tanker ORION GREEN ISLAND, 1937 River Rouge, 30U x 43. Diesel twin screw. © NORFOLK, 1937 River Rouge, 300 x 43. Twin screw diesel. later HUMBERDOC. Steel Barges, (Former "Lakers" ) LAKE ALLEN (ex WAR TRUMPET), 261 x 43, 1918 Ecorse. LAKE CRYSTAL (ex WAR SPHINX), 261 x 43, 1918 Ecorse. LAKE FARGE, 1919 Wyandotte, 261 x 3% LAKE FOLCROFT, 1919 Wyandotte, later lengthened to 323 x 43.(See pe2)