SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE (#87) - - 4 NEVADA - Steel sin- ; gle screw package 1 freighter and ice * breaker, built in 1915 by Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co. for Goodrich Tran- sit Co. Dimensions 230 x 42 x 25. 2097 gross tons, 1217 net. One stack and two masts. Black hull, white fo'cs'tle & cabins bright red stack with black top. In- tended for winter service on Good- Tich's many Lake Michigan routes. She was so successful in her first winter, 1915-1916, that she was chartered by the Lake Carriers Ass'n. for ice breaking in Whitefish Bay in the Spring of 1916. Shortly afterwards Goodrich sold her to the Rus- sian Government, who intended to use her as an icebreaker at Vladivostok. She left the Lakes and proceded to San Francisco, where she was rebuilt as a unit of the Russian Volunteer Fleet. Meanwhile the Imperial Government of Russia had been overthrown by the Bolsheviki, and NEVADA, now renamed ROGDAY, was seized by the American authorities. She saw war duty in World War I un- der the American Flag and returned to Lake Michigan about 1923, and operated between Ludington and Milwaukee for the Pere Marquette Line Steamers. When .) the Wisconsin 99¢ Michigan Line merged with P.M. Line NEVADA switched to the Milwaukee to Muskegon service, and soon after was cut down to an auto carrier and trailer transport - actually America's first "Roll-on-robl-off" ship. She returned to salt water for war duty in World War if and foundered off the Virginia Capes under undisclosed conditions fa January,1944. * KK OK KK KOK OK KOK KK OK KK OK OK OK OK KK OK OK KOK KK OK OK KK KK KK KK Lakers, Scrapped by Ford, continued from page 3: LAKE FORKVILLE LAKE GARZA LAKE HEWES LAKE ST.REGIS " FORSBY " GASPAR LAKEHURST n SABA " FOSSIL " GEDNEY "JANET " SANFORD " FOSTORTA " GIRARDEAU " LARGA " SHAWANO " — FOXBORO " GLEBE " LASANG " SILVER " FOXCRAFT " GLENCOE " LEMANDO " — STRABO " FRATCHUR " GORMANTA " LESA LAKEVIEW " F " GOVAN " A LAKEVILLE " FRANCONIA " GRADAN " LIcoco "WILSON n oF " GRAINGER n LILICUSUM " WINONA n F " GRAMA " LINDEN " WINOOSKI " FREEBORN " GRAMPIAN " MAUREPAS " YELVERTON n ‘D " iy nm ag " " PREEZEOUT " — GRANDON " MARTON " YTPSTLANTI " PRENCHTON " GRATIS " MATTATO " YAHARA " F " — GRATTAN " NARKA " ZALISKT : " FRIO " GRAVELLA " — ONTARIO " LEDAN | n FROLONA " GRAVETT " — OTSQUAGO : * FUGARD "GRAVITY ” Pacuuta, Note: A cn ord " — FURLOUGH " GREENBRIER " PEARL OR ener < a GRETNA Ai PEWAUKEE poeta eee cosapret " GAKONA " — GROGAN W Pome Te tee peetee ae, " — GARD! " HARRIS " ST.CLAIR “7 “ne Sctober DIN.