Che Detroit Marine Historian JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ‘| OF DETROIT . | “ Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S. J. Editor University of Detroit, Detroit 21, Michigan VOLUME 11, NO.2 OCTOBER, 1957 ESKER RO GRE RE RS EO FE EE OE OR Ie OR AE OR Sho OR Ge OR oe a SHIPS OF THE "N-3" TYPE BUILT ON THE GREAT LAKES By William DuBarry Thomas The ALDEN GIFFORD The smallest standard type freighters in the U.S.Maritime Commis- sion's World War II shipbuilding program were the canal-sized (250 x 42 x 20, 1870 g.t.) freighters designated as types N3-S-Al and N3-S-A2. 35 of these ships were built on the Great Lakes in 1943 and 1944, and many more in shipyards of both coasts and the Gulf of Mexico. These ships were named after the captains of famous clipper ships of the Fifties and Sixties. Most of these freighters were lend leased to Great Britain for the extent of the war and many were then sold foreign. The list which follows enumerates the 35 N3's built on our Lakes. We are grateful to two of our members, i.e. Mr.Osgood Williams of the Pea- bory Museum, Salem, Mass, for checking the names of the Clipper ships given, and Mr.Norman L.MeKellar of Tamworth, New.South Wales, Australia, for in- formation on the loss of several of the vessels. Str. JOHN W.AREY, Superior, later BIDA and BASRA. (Capt.Arey commanded the clipper ship SPITFIRE). (Illustration, p. RODNEY BAXTER, Superior, later ANGUSLAKE and DOGYE. (Capt.Baxter com- manded the clipper ship FLYING SCUD.) © RICHARD ees Superior, later FIDRA and JAG BINDU. (Capt.Bearse com- nded the clippers RADIANT, ROBIN HOOD and NEPTUNE'S CAR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Superior, later ORSA and RAMA-KRISHNA. (Capt.Brewster commanded the clipper ships ARIEL and CONTEST.) GEORGE W.BROWN, Duluth, later ROVIGO. (Capt Brown commanded the clipper ship EUTERPE). (Continued, top of page 3)