SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE (#89) D.M.CLEMSON (US 157703) - steel bulk freighter, built in 1903 by F Superior Shipyard . . * (hull #508) for : Provident Steam- ship Co. Duluth, and managed by Capt.A.B.Wolvin. She was named in honor of Mr.D.M. Clemson, then President of the Pittsburgh SS.Co. Dimensions: 448 x 52 x 26575532 gross, with car- capacity of 7600 tons. Sisterships were D.G.KERR and JAMES H.REED. In 1903 these ships were second in size on the Lakes to the larger Wolvin ships of 1900. D.G.KERR (now HARRY R.JONES) is still in service. JAMES H.REED was lost on Lake Erie in 1943, while D.M.CLEMSON was the shortest lived of these three fine ships. On December J, 1908 she ventured out into Lake Superior, upbound in the teeth of a violent storm and was last seen passing Whitefish Point. It is thought she foundered the next day. All twenty-four of her crew perished with her. W.R.Williams (Photo by Captain Taylor) ee KOK KK KK KK KK OK KR KK OK KK KR KK KK KK KK KE KK OK KK KK Ships of the WOLVIN FLEETS, Continued from page 3: Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Transportation Company, Continued. Str. ROBERT WALLACE (i), 1903 ples 238 x 41. Later TREGASTEL, GLEN- DOWAN, CHANDLER, ASPENLEAF, HELEN HINDMAN (i), GROVE- DALE. In service. The nine ships of GLSLT (minus SHARPLES) were sold to France in 1916. Two were lost enroute and the other seven returned to the Lakes after W.War I. 6 Acme Steamship Company, 1904. Yellow-brown hulls, white cabins, olive green stacks with wide white band. Str. AUGUSTUS B.WOLVIN (ii), 1904 Lorain, 540 x 56. Largest on Lakes. JAMES C.WALLACE, 1905 Lorain, 532 x 56. WARD AMES, 1907 W.Superior, 560 x 56. Later C. H.McCULLOUGH, JR. 7. Standard Steamship Company, 1907. Same colors as Acme SS.Co. Str. H.P:BOPE, 1907 W.Superior, 540 x 56. Later E.A.S.CLARKE (ii). The Acme and Standard ships became part of Interlake Steamship Co. in 1913. 8. Lake and River Transportation Company, 1913, or earlier. Wooden ships. Str. WILLIAM J.AVERELL, 1884 Detroit, 242 x 37. Later OATLAND. WILLIAM A.HASKELL, 1884 Detroit, 242 x 37. Later JOYLAND. Bge. MELVIN S.BACON, 1874 Vermilion, 182 x 33. WAYNE, 1882 St:Clair. 175 x 35. These vessels went into Canada Steamship Lines Fieet around 1916. 9. American Interlake Line, 1914. Black Hull, gray cabins, red stack with black top. "CSL" diamond on bow. ed Str. STADACONA (i), 1909 Ecorse, 479 x 56. Later W.H.McGEAN. SIR TREVOR DAWSON (ex WILLIAM C.MORELAND), 1916.Lorain. 588 x 58, Later CHARLES L.HUTCHINSON (11) & GENE C.HUTCHINSON. The American Interlake Line was sold to Hutchinson in 1920.