GREETING Your Officers convey their most cordial wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year. OK KK KK KK KK KK KK KKK KK OK KKK KOK KKK KK K KK KK KK OK SHIPS The tanker MERCURY is the former BEAUMONT PARKS (ex RENOWN). PERE UETTE 14 and PERE MARQUETTE 18 have been sold for scrap. Roen's tug JOHN PURVIS is the former BUTTERFIELD, repowered with diesel engines, SHENANGO, sold to Boland & Cé¥rielius in July, may be renamed this winter. Interlake SS has sold ARCTURUS (ex JAMES B.WOOD), D.O.MILLS & VERONA to Car- go Carriers. The Toronto ferry TRILLIUM is now a barge. Keystone Transports has been reorganized as Laverendrye Transports. JOSEPH S.YOUNG (ex ARCHERS HOPE, ocean "T-2" tanker) in now in service for Boland & Cornelius. The tug HELENA is now the diesel-powered HELEN L.M. The new superfreighter build- ing at the Rouge for Northwestern Mutual may be named EDMUND S.FITZGERALD. Interlake SS.has a big one under construction at Toledo and another planned to begin soon at the Rouge. Boland & Cornelius has one building at Manitow- oc. Bethlehem & Shenango have new ships planned. Pittsburgh SS has announced tentative plans for 12 superfreighters which will replace 29 older ships. Bethlehem's SPARROWS POINT and JOHNSTOWN will be lengthened 72' at Chicago this winter. NIPIGON BAY (ex IMPERIAL LEDUC) will be lengthened about 80! at Port Arthur and converted into a dry cargo carrier. PAUL H.TOWNSEND (ex COASTAL DELEGATE, ex HICKORY COLL) will be lengthened 108' at Ashtabula, & will have her pilot house forward. SENATOR OF CANADA is in commission. eR OK KK OK KOR OK OK KR OK OK OK KOR OK OK OK KOR OK OK KOK OK OK OK OK KOK OK KOK OK OK OK The Mathews Fleet, continued from first page: 1. J.& J.T.Mathews Fleet: (36 wooden ships, of which data on 13 is known). Hulls, originally white,later green, stack later black with two thin white bands near the top. Schooners carried large "M" on foresail. a) Wooden freighters: 6, 1863 Montreal. 130 x 26. Wrecked, Magnetic Reef, Cockburn Island, Lake Huron, 1890. Illustration on first page. BUSINESS, 1881 Milwaukee. 191 x 34. In U.S.Registry while in fleet. | CLINTON, 1874 St.Catherines. 138 x 23. NIAGARA, 1875 St. TE rca 135 x 26. Lost,Long Point, L.Erie,12-89. b) Sch and Sch r Barges: EMERALD, 1872 (Pt) Colborne. 139 x 25. Lost 1911, Lake Ontario GARIBALDI, 1863 Pt.Rowan. 104 x 24. Lost, Lake Huron, 18874 GLENIFFER, 1873 Pt.Robinson. 135 x 25. GRIMSBY, i874 St.Cgtharines. 137 x 26. HEATHER BELLE, 1868 Picton, 99 x 22. LAURA, 1870s 8t. Catharines. LISGAR, 1872 Pt. OPEB SD 138 x 23. (Continued, page 3) eRe KR ROR ROR KOR OR OR OR RR OR OK OK KK RK OK OK OK KK KK KOK OK OK q At Left: The RIVERTON, upbound on the St.Mary's River “w below Sault Ste. Marie. (Young Photo)