MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Rey. Edward J. Dowling, S. J. Editor F.J.McAllister, Set Wm.B.Mahoney, vice. Pres John C.Goodrich, Treasurer Robert A. certiens Secretary 444 Sandwich Str 251 Lothrop Roa! 4328 Adams Cir cle 2015 Dime Buildi: Windsor, Gstaria” Grosse Pointe Sas: 36,Mich. Wayne, Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan. By the Advisory Council of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc., “ A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: Captain William J.Taylor was a charter member of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc., and, WHEREAS: Captain Taylor's outstanding marine photographs and his interest in the Great Lakes were important considerations in the founding of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc., and, WHEREAS: Captain Taylor, as a veteran of more than 30 years in the old U.S. Lighthouse Service, typified the ideal of the Great Lakes seaman,&, WHEREAS: Captain Taylor was above all a gentleman and a friend to all, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Advisory Council of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc., in its own behalf and in behalf of the officers and members of the Society, to hereby extend to MRS. WILLIAM J.TAYLOR our profound regret and most sincere condolences in Captain Taylor's death, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this resolution be published in an early editior of the Detroit Marine Historian as an expression of our high regard and affection for Captain Taylor. OK OK OR ROK OR KOK OK OK OK OK OR OR OR OK OK OK KOK KOK OK KOK OK OK KOK RK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK SHIPS In a report to the shareholders. dated 2-7-58 the Cayuga Steamship Company has announced that the CAYUGA will not be operated in 1958. The Becker tug CENTRAL (ex W.J.McCARTHY) is being repowered with a diesel engine presently and soon will ae renamed CAPTAIN FRANK BECKER. The German ago CIMBRIA (ex MEMPHIS x VERA, ex VIRGINIA EXPRESS, ex LAKE STIRLIN [AR THRUSH) built in 1918 at “Wyandotte is now being scrapped at Hamburg. tra, sandsucker GRAND ISLAND, formerly the Niagara River ferry of the same name, is being lengthened this winter. The recent much-publicized release of a long time prisoner from the Stateville, Illinois, penitentiary, recalls the memory of the Leopold fortune made in Great Lakes shipping primarily through the famous Lake Michigan and Lake Syperior line, which had the fine steamers PEERLESS, CITY OF TRAVERSE and later the MANITOU. Likewise the In- land Steel Company was financed in its beginning largely by the Leopold fam- ily, and one of its ships, now the E.J.BLOCK, carried for many years the name, N.F.LEOPOLD. The car ferry PERE MARQUETTE 22 has a new pilot house. PERE MARQUETTE 21 is expected to get a similar one soon. The Reiss tug GREEN BAY (ex GARY) is being repowered with diesel engines at Manitowoc. KOR ROK KK KOK ROK OK KOK OK OK KOK OK KR KOR OK KOK OK OK RRR OR OR OK ROK OK OK OK OOK At Left: The wooden freighter JOHN RUGEE, formerly of Milwaukee, in the colors of the Hall Fleet. Note the stack — marking. “ Photo, courte William A. MeDonala