9h) MANITOULIN (Can. 58), iron twin screw passenger vessel built as MOD- JESKA in 1889 by Napier, Shanks and Bell at Glasgow, Scotland. Originally a day boat, 178 x 31 x12, 678 gross tons and 461 net, she’ was a single stacker fit- ted with triple ex- pansion engines. Built for the Toronto- Hathilton service of the Hamilton Steam- - boat Company, she crossed the Atlantic under her own power. The Hamilton Steamboat Company was acquired by the Nia- gara Navigation, c.191l1 and in 1914 this company became part of Canada Steam- ship Lines, Ltd. She continued on her original run until the early Twenties when two unfortunate accidents occurred. On July 5, 1924 MODJESKA collided with TORONTO in Toronto Harbour, and two days later she piled up on the break- water off the western entrance to Toronto Harbour. Severely damaged, she was withdrawn from service and remained inactive until sold to the Owen Sound Transportation Company in 1925. Renamed MANITOULIN, she was placed in servic out of Owen Sound. She was rebuilt in 1926 as an overnight steamer, 913-gross tons. She operated between Owen Sound and the Soo via the North Shore Route\, until retired at the end of the 1949 season. Later, having been towed to Port Dalhousie on Lake Ontario, she was stripped to the main deck during 1952 1953. Finally her hull was broken up in the Port Weller drydock in November of 1953. John H.Bascom (Photo, courtesy Ken Smith) OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OR KK KK KK OK KK OK OK OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK (Editor's Note) As reported frequently in the early volumes of the Detroit Marine Historian, our Society had two very enjoyable cruises on the MANITOULIN And, although the MANITOULIN is gone, replaced now for several years by the NORGOMA, our Society is seriously considering sponsoring another cruise this aoe fan is owen Sound. elntony our Secretary or owr Treasurer if you're going * * Le Lot, et KOR KR OK KK RK KK KOK KOR KOR KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK SHIPS OF THE HALL FLEET, | continued from page 3: Part IV: Steel Freighters: WALTER B.REYNOLDS (i), 1925 Collingwood. Later PENETAN WALTER B.REYNOLDS (445, 1929 Southbank on Tees, Enaiont. “Later TRENTON. LUCIUS W.ROBINSON, 1912 Wyandotte. Later HAI LIN. ROCKCLIFFE HALL, 1928 Southbank on Tees. Later J.S.WALTON. ROYAN (ex WACCAMAW), 1900 Toledo. RUBY, 1912 Ecorse. Pre-"Laker" design, stack amidships. SHIERCLIFFE HALL, 1950 Montreal. In fleet at present. SINBAD, 1883 Scotswood, England. 216 x 31, iron hull. STERNECLIFFE HALL, 1947 Montreal. In present fleet. SOUTHCLIFFE HALL, 1947 Montreal. In present fleet. EDWARD L. pe Me anna Rivers, Que. Later SHERBROOKE, IDA 0., AROSA, ELLANDOC ii}. ROBERT M. THOMPSON, 1916 Ecorse. Pre-"Laker" design. WESTCLIFFE HALL (i) 1928 Southbank on Tees, England. Later WHEATON. WESTCLIFFE HALL (1i}, 1956 New ship, as yet unnamed, under construction at Levis, Que. SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE (# 2