- Che Detroit Marine Historian MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. VOLUME 11, NO.9 MAY-JUNE, 1958 eK KR KK KK OK OK KK OK KK OK KOK OK OK KR OK OK KK KK OK KK OK OK KK OK KK OK THE "Cl-M-AV1" TYPE COASTAL FREIGHTERS BUILT ON THE GREAT LAKES DURING WORLD WAR II By Norman L.McKellar The HONDA KNOT Photo, courtesy Ken Smith The C1-M-AV1 type is a medium sized cargo vessel of full scantling, poop and forecastle design of which some 200 were massed produced during World War II. Subsequently this ship has proved itself a highly adaptable vessel, suited not only for coastwise, inter-island and off-shore trades, but also capable of economic operation on longer transoceanic service. Eighty two ships of this type were built in Great Lakes yards in 1944 and 1945 and delivered to salt water by way of the Illinois Waterway and the Mississippi. One vessel of this type, built on salt water, is now inservice on the Lakes. The general dimensions of this type are 338 ft.length by 50 ft.beam, with a load draft of 21 ft. Diesel engines of 1700 hp gave these ships a service speed of 11 knots. The list of Lakes-built C1-M-AVls, arranged in alphabetical order, will appear in this and the next "Marine Historian." BIGHT ByOT built at Superior by Globe. Later CHOLUTECA ELMER — built by Butler at Duluth. Completed as CROWN REEFER. amaged by stranding, 1946 and abandoned, 1947. CAPE somenaer: ballt at Duluth by Butler. Later JAMES W.REESE and CRINGLE REEFER. (Continued, Page 3)