SHIPS OF THE "C..-M-AV1" TYPE, built on the Great Lakes, Cont'd from p.1l: OCEAN PLAT, built by Globe at Superior. Later RIO ORINOCO. (See po2). PEMBINA, built at Superior by Globe. PEMISCOT, built by Globe at Superior. Later COASTAL COMPETITOR and 0 TUBARAO. w FRANK J.PETRARCA, built at Duluth by Butler. Later ROBAND HITCH, JUTAHY, and SARGENT. PHOEBE KNOT, built by Butler at Superior. Later CHOLOMA. PINELLAS, built at Superior by Globe. Later COASTAL STEVEDORE and BAHIA DE MATANZAS. PIPESTONE, built at Superior by Globe. Later COASTAL EXPLORER & PUTUMAYO. PITKIN, built by Globe at Superior. Later COASTAL OBSERVOR & RIO MOCORO. POINSETT, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later CARINA and MASAN. (See p.1) PONTOTOC, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later TAURUS. RICHLAND, built at Sturgeoh Bay by Smith. HAROLD W.ROBERTS, built by Butler at Duluth. Later IRISH SPLICE. ROCKDALE, built at Sturgeon Bay by Smith. Later APOLLO. SALMON KNOT, built at Milwaukee by Froemming. SAMPAN HITCH, built by Butler at Superior. SCHUYLER, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. SCREVEN, built by Smith at S,urgeon Bay. Later NORLINDO. SEBASTIAN, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL HIGHFLYER. SHAMROCK KNOT, built by Butler at Duluth. Later MANAQUI. SOMERSET, built by Smith at_Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL SENTRY. SUSSEX, built by Smith at S ,urgeon Bay. TAPIR SPLICE, built at Milwaukee by Froemming. Later BEN FROEMMING and RIO GUAYAS. TARRANT, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL ADVOCATE, RIO GUAPORE, ITAMAR and RIO GUAPORE. TIPTON, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later UNALGA and TIPTON. o TRAVERSE, pues at Sturgeon Bay by Smith. Later COASTAL MERCHANT and NORLANTIC. TULARE, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL CHALLENGER, PACHITEA and DUNSTAN. WASHTENAW, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL GUIDE and SGT.GEORGE PETERSON, (Military Sea Transportation Service). WESTCHESTER, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL DEFENDER and RIO MARA‘ CANA. WEXFORD, built by Smith at Sturgeon Bay. Later COASTAL CRUSADER, PVT.JOE. R.HASTINGS and COASTAL CRUSADER. (Continued, Page i) At_ Right: The YARD HITCH