MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. John mn Goodrich, Treasurer Bobers A.Zeleznik, Secreta: J Tin Sentwien Ser Settee coiatacuceoyrca pape 26 Adams Cirs. he 2015 Dine Bullaing Windsor, Ontario i Grosse Pointe Fame, 36,Mich. Wayne, Michiga: OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING will be held at the Edison Boat Club on Oct, 22, Speaker will be Commender Gordon H, MacLane, who will speak on the history of Coast Guard icebreakers in the Great Lakes, A Coast Guard career man, like his fether bafore him, Commander MacLane is a “Downeaster" whose early experience was on sailing schooners. Letar he became one of the first hel- icopter pilots in the Coast Guard end served several yesrs in the "Whirly- birds" before being essigned to Detroit. Dinner reservations should be made with Ken Smith by Monday, Oct. 20. NETHERLANDS CONSUL 7. K. von Weiler will be the speaker for our Nov, 22 meeting, to be held in the Veterans Memoriel Buildinge Robert Zeleznik =O PARDON, PLEASE, for the error in the September "Ships Thet Never Die" in referring to the MANITOULIN es a sidewhealer. She was, of course, @ propel- ler. Mr. Williams had sent us e correction but in the flurry of getting out our first issue, his correction was in the stack of unopened meil until that issue was in the hends of the printer. We would rather you think of us as a harried editor then of Mr. Williems as an inaccurate historian, WE REGRET that there will oe no SUPPLEMENT to the Detroit Marine a ian this year, due to the change in editors, “e would appreciate your sug- gestions, however, on a supplement for next yesr. fo) MASTHEAD shows the GREATER DETROIT and is from a D & C stock certificate gyn the collection -- and financial statement -- of Bob Zeleznik, “Oe HISTORY OF AMERICAN STEAM NAVIGATION. By John H. Morrison. 630 pp. New York, Stephen Daye Press, 1958. $10. Morrison's 1903 volume, which brought together the most author- itetive history of steam navigation in the Eastern United States and western rivers, is again availeble in this reprinting. To lake historians, Morrison offers © broader context beyond the lakes, omitting only the influentiel Canadian developments. He treats only briefly the major vessels, lines and engineering on Lekes Erie and Ontario prior to the Civil War, but his concise text ranks favorably with other writings in this scantily-documen- ted period. Mansfield's Great Lakes is valued for its abundant -- if occasionally erratic -- material, end Heyl's second volume of Early American Steamers offers detailed and vivid accounts of spe- cific vessels, but Morrison's is the best definitive summery. Con- firming its euthenticity, much information mey be traced to lake port newspapers of the time. The illustrations by Samuel “ard Stanton resemble those comprising Stenton's American Steam Vessels of 1895, although WESTERN WORLD of 1854 is the only lake example. Gordon Bugbee ©