MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Pd.) Perrene tae Wm.B.Mahoney, Vice.Pres John C. goodies Treasurer ponent A.Zeleznik, Seoret bh Sa tre 251 Lothrop Road, role 2015 Dime Building Winasor, picture Grosse Pointe Farms, 36,Mioh, Wayne, iienigan OL chigan. ANNOUNCEMENT: The January general meeting will be at 8 p.m. Jan. 10 at the Veterans Memoriel Building in Detroit. Speaker will be Capt. John Edwardsen, of Euclid, 0. His talk will be illustrated with pictures of wrecks, ice, storms and other interesting sspects of the Great Lekes, gathered during many years' experience ss a Great Lakes sailor. : Robert A. Zeleznik. A. Powell's Str. MASTHEAD The GAZELLE at Marquette eer» ne AES a closed navi- in 1886 when she wa’s take i gation at Duluth-Sup- ing a circus‘around the Lakes. Photo erior Dec. 12, departing light from The Lake Erie Breeze, Summer of after delivering grain from Port 1945 Edition, with Capt. Frank E. Arthur-Fort William. She is win- Hamilton's history of the Ashley & tering at Fort William. Gartland Dustin boatse Str. HENRY PLATT, JR. and Brown & Co. Str. J. E. MCALPINE took out the last loads from the American Lakehead Dec. 11. Final trips to the Soo area 3 *) were made by Standard's tanker E. aoe. Z G. SEUBERT to the Standard tank farm, Bradley's T. W. ROBINSON to Algoma Steel and Tomlinsonts SYL- VANIA to North Western-Hanna Co. Lime Island fueling station. At Duluth-Superior for scrap- oe ping are the ROBERT L.IRELAND and HURLBUT W. SMITH at Fraser-Nelson SULLIVAN BROTHERS Zeleznik and R, E, MOODY at Marine Iron. SHARP EYES At the time of going to press three members have written notes correctly identifying the "uni- dentified" boat on last monthts cover as the BRITTANIA. They were Kenneth E. Smith, R.C.Stalk- er of Toledo and H.R. Clapham of Farmington, Mich. AMAZON Zelegnik , )