Che Detroit Marine Historian JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT Curtis Haseltine, Editor 13951 Faust, Detroit 23 Volume 13, No. 2 October, 1959 The picture on the back page of the September, 1959, Historian was taken in May, 1928, by William A. Kuenzel, then ohief photographer of The Detroit News (now in retirement in Florida). It became one of the most famous views of the Detroit waterfront and --enlarged to 19 feet long--was dis- played for years over train gates at the New York Central Station. Other smaller copies still are on display at The News and elsewhere sround town. Robert A. Diehl, head of The News reference department, has examined your picture with a reading glass and compared the various boats with originals of the boats themselves. He is satisfied that the ferry about which the editor asks was the CADIL- LAC. Your picture is not a complete print, which definitely shows, in motion out of the right side of the picture, the LASALLE. Comparison of other photos shows that the BRITAN- NIA had a small sort of "doghouse" aft on the upper deck, which doesn't appear in this photo; hence this must be the CADILLAC, To left of the COLUMBIA in the original photo is the STR. CLAIRE. Also out of your photo, at the exte- reme lower right, the original shows the stack (but nothing else) of an- other Detroit & Windsor ferry, just to the right of the billboard and sign shown in your photo on the Win- dsor waterfront, Reading-glass examination of the freighter in mid-stream shows that it is the ALEXANDER LESLIE, of the Lake Erie Navigation Co., of Walker- ville, Ont. -- still sailing. Stoddard White EXCURSION te EO PORT HURON AND RETURN Suly 4,°79 STTAMER UNL B00) Will leave Algonasat - - 8:00 a.m. Port Lambton, - - 820 © Robert’s Landing,.- - - 8:25 “ MarineCity,- - - - - 9:00 « Bt Clair) i2 =<. G. 2 Ob Vicksburgh, - - - - - 115 “ Arrive at Port Huron at 12 o'clock noon. Returning. will leave Port furon at 5 p.m. chi for Round mn 50 Cents, Pack your lunch and hurry. The excursion to Port Huron is scheduled to leave at 8 a.m. Historic poster from files of The Detroit News.