THE NICHOLSON-UNIVERSAL, OVERLAKES, BROWNING FLEETS © (Continued from last month) 1930s J.T. REID 1892 wW. gover! 8s 320 X 42, whaleback. Ex-JAMES B, NEILSON, WASHBURN. SOUTH PARK ee We Superior 366 X 5, woalabeses Ex-FRANK OCKEFELLER. Sold, later tanker METEOR SPOKANE 1886 Cleveland 311 X 38. Sorapped, middle 30s. WESTLAND 1889 Wyandotte 281 X 1, composite hull. Ex-LIV- INGSTONE. Abandoned and scrapped, late 30s. The following vessels were chartered by N.U.SS.Co. in the late 30s and early 0s: Strs, ADAM E. CORNELIUS (1) 1908 St.Clair 420 X 52. Later DETROIT EDISON (1) and GEORGE F, RAND (11). THE HARVESTER 1911 Lorain 525 xX 58. MAITLAND NO. 1 1916 Ecorse 338 X eee oarferry., Char- tered for cross Lake Michigan auto ser- vice, R. R. RICHARDSON a Lorain 41h X50. Ex-J. M. JENKS. ter RALPH S. CAULKINS. VIRGINIA teo2 Richmond, Va. 201° X 39, passenger and freight. Ex-BERKELEY. Apparently chartered for a proposed auto service between the Lakes and Montreal, This y vessel could negotiate the canals en- ‘ew route. The following vessels were acquired in the early 0s: Strs. ADAM E. CORNELIUS, JR. 1908 W. Superior 418 X48 Ex-G. J. RAMMER. are oo H, BROWNING (1) ree D. A. M ARTHUR ORR 1893 ecg oe X hl, double-decked package freighter. Scrapped at Hamile ton, 191.7. In the early 0s, the company, with seme corporate change, was known as the Overlakes Freight Corp. Most of the ships listed above were in the fleet and some of them had an illuminated "0" on the foremast. NOTE: In the Os the New York office of Overlakes made an interesting though brief acquisition: Str. W. J. CONNERS 1901 Buffalo 0) X 50, steel package freighter which had gone to salt water in 192, She was shortly sold to Iceland and became HAERUNGER, and was scrapped in Europe a few years ago. Ex- MALACCA STRAITS, W. J. CONNERS, MA The Rev. Edward J. Dowling, 3. Je (To be continued next month)