" PLAYFAIR" FLEET Photos of Group photo boats are from the from the collection collection of W. R of Kenneth jams : SHithe Williams teft to right: Jas. McLachlan, draftsman; Jas. Playfair, D. L. White, Jr Hugh Calderwood, draftsman; James Wilkinson, Manager. PLAYFAIR -- Continued from Fourth Page In 1925 Mr. Playfair organized a new company, the Great Lakes Navi- gation Co. which included all vessels purchased, as well as those that were built by Midland Shipyard. In 1926, however, he sold all his ves- sels, some to Hall and the rest to Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd. All told he had 38. There were nine canallers in Glen Line, Ltd., six in Glen Steamships, Ltd., and the remainder had been in Great Lakes Trans® portation Co., Ltd. They were sold with the understanding that oneof them, the 582-foot GLENEAGLES should retain her christened name. Another, the GLENELG, © also still retains her original name. Their names in vessel passage lists have through the years reminded us of the “Playfair Fleet* and the days when Midland was very busy with grain and coal cargoes. W. R. Williams