MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Tess ayaa President tesa ees Vice Pres, John Campbell, Treasurer Pepi zazesaix Faust 1 Detroit 9, Michigan Detroit 23, Michigan fe et ee lat dy TD Osse os 6. ANNOUNCEMENT: The annual spring picnic and meeting has been set for Saturday, June 4, at Amherstburg. The picnic will be on the grounds of the Fort Malden Museum with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Botsford as our hosts. Bring your luncheon for an ene joyable afternoon. The Botsfords will, as usual, furnish coffee. The evening program will be in the high school. Entertainment will be color slides by the members. All members are asked to select their 10 best slides and bring them to the meeting. Jim Morris and Bob Zeleznik will handle the slide show. Please pro=- vide them with identification of the slides. This should bring out some of the many, many fine slides which our members have ta~ ken but which the rest of us have never seen. Members in the De- troit area who have any questions may call Morris at PR 7-2528. JUST TO REMIND that all ballots this year MUST BE MAIL- ED to Gordon Bugbee at the address given on the ballot. NO BALLOTS WILL BE ACCEPTED at the June meeting. All will have been counted before the meeting is held. IT's BOB-LO TIME and all loyal members of the Bob-Lo Boat Watch- ers section of the Marine Historical Society will meet on the COLUMBIA at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 28, for the first trip of the 1960 season. Cameras, Red Books and arguments are required. Sd SHIP CHAT The SINALOA is now the STONEFAX of Nassau. The HARRY YATES is now British registry. Paterson's new boat is to be ae ae the NEW QUEDOC. The FONTANA has been sold -= to whom? Q. & 0. have sold the OUTARDE -- to whom? @ayport Ship ping, now Porter Shipping, has bought the tanker TEMBLADOR. Ths IMPERIAL pas a completely rebuilt as Hull 28, will be christ- ened the REDWING in honor of Detroit's hockey team. The diesel ocean tanker LLANDOFF has been bought by Upper Lakes Shipping for conversion to ocean-laker bulker and will be renamed WHEAT KING. Conversion is at Port Weller. Upper Lakes also bought the 1)6-foot tug MELANIE FAIR, ex-TRYPHON. HUMBERDOC is back to her former length of 290 feet, the same as when she was the NORFOLK for Ford Motor, WALLACEBURG and JUDGE KENEFICK have been bid in by Emig of Wallaceburg, purpose unknown. That PILLSBURY BARGE is to be used to transport soybean products from the elevator to deep-draft salties. The ACTON which did icebreaking at Port Colborne early this season is now tied up at Port Colborne, cold. HAVE YOU SEEN Bill McDonald's article on the burning of the prope NAVARINO in the Great Fire at Chicago? It's in the spring issue of Inland Seas, quarterly publication of the Great Lakes Histori- cal Society and is illustrated by a water color by Fr. Dowlinge )