MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT, INC. Robert Zelesnik Albert Bradley, President Hetedic pace reine Vice Pres, John Campbell, Treasurer Seoreta 1575 Cl Detroit 9, Hichigen Detroit 23, Kichigan iigbetat Pacey denies 877 te Peery Hie) osse Pte., Mic ANNOUNCEMENT: At our September meeting Dr. Neil F. Morrison will give a centennial account of the sinking of the LADY ELGIN and, as a surprise feature, tell of us another centen- nial with which his own family was intimately connected. Date and place of the meeting will be announced in the next Historian. SHIP CHAT a STANDARD PORTLAND CEMENT, sunk in collision with AUGUST ZEISING above Port Huron, has been sold to Reoch, rau the ELMDADE with Hamilton, Bermuda as port of registry. To circumvent the Canadian law against buying U.S. vessels more than 10 years old, the SPC was towed from Windsor to the Great Lakes Engineering Works at River Rouge. There the pap- ers were signed and she was towed back across the River to the slip at Ojibway. Only benefactor of the law was the Great Lakes ng Co. Reoch has also bought the A.T, KINNEY from Wilson and iF expected to rename her CEDARDALE. Hall bought the saltwater tanker TRANSPAN, renamed her RIVER TRANSPORT with Nassau as the port of registry. Cargo Carriers have sent the HEMLOCK and the CALUMET, loaded with scrap, under tow to Italy for scrapping. Rumored to follow them is the HARRY R. JONES. Upper Lakes’! new REDWING, converted from the old IMPERIAL EDMONTON as Hull 28, was launched at Port Weller with white forecastle and fancy pilot- house, Named for Detroitts Redwings hockey team. Upper Lakes! = WHEAT KING (ex-LLANDOFF) being converted at Port Weller for lake and ocean service, will be owned by Islands Shipping Ltd., of Hamilton, Bermuda. Upper Lakes will give new names to the. two being converted in Wales. The KATE N.L. will be the HILDA MAR- JANNE, honoring Jack Leitch'ts wife and two daughters, and the ED- ENFIELD will be the NORTHERN VENTURE. Both are saltwater tankers and will be lakers, owned by Leitch Transports Ltd. It looks like the end for the JAMES B. EADS and Upper Lakes’ whalebacks, All are about due for sight and survey and in view of changes and additions to the fleet there is little hope of them surviving. The towing engine from BARGE 137 went into the tug MELANIE FAIR, which, according to rumor, has already been sold. QUEDOC is said to be bound for the shipbreakers. JOHN S. PILLSBURY is headed back to the junkyard because of labor trouble in Toronto Harbor over the proposal to use her to load deep-draft salties. The SWEETWATER which wintered at Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, after her damage, is expected to be scrapped at Baltimore. The EDW. L. RYERSON wasted no time after her trials on Aug. 3. The next day she loaded at Escanaba. Defoe Shipbuilding launched the last of four guided missile destroyers under $68,000,000 Navy contract on Aug. 4. She was the U.S.S. HOEL, named in *honor of Civil war hero, Lt. Comdr. William R. Hoel. His granddaughter, Mrs. Harry H. Long, swung the bottle. William Luke Our special thanks to JOHN BASCOM and JIM KIDD for much of the a- Bove information, particularly concerning the Canadian vessels,