MACASSA Postcard Collection of E. G. Bradley SHIP'S THAT MACASSA (Can. 93923) Steel excursion steamer NEVER DIE built on the Clyde by Hamilton & Co., Glasgow. #LU1 She was fitted with engines of 600 indicated horsepower, built by Kemp of Glasgow, and car- riesd one tall, thin stack amidships Originally 155' X 2y!1 X 16'3, +8 was lengthened to 178! 4 at Collingwood, Ont., during the 190-05 winter layup. Brought out to the lakes under her own power, she was owned by the Hamilton Steam- boat Co., and placed in ser- vice between Hamilton and Toronto on Lake Ontario. About 1910 the Hamilton Steamboat Co., was absorbed by the Niagara Navigation Co., and 913 this latter concern, a subsidiary of the Richelieu and Ontario WNavi- gation Co., became parts of Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd. MACASSA continued to op- erate on the Toronto-Hamil- ton run (sometimes making trips between Toronto and Grimsby, near Hamilton) un- til CSL abandoned the serv- ice at the close of the 1927 season. Laid up at Toronto, was sold early in 1328 * the Owen Sound Transportat- ion Co., and rebuilt with o- vernight accommodations for the Owen Sound-Soo service, being renamed MANASOO. She was lost in Lake Hur- on Sept. 15, 1928, when her cargo of package freight and cattle shifted in heavy wea- ther. It is reported that 16 lives were lost when she foundered. John Bascom