Albert practey, Curtis Haseltine John Campbell Presiden’ Vice President Aare asu: Sh : Pa tt a 7035 aeuy 13951 Faust 575, Clev and 877 University Pl. Detroit 9, Mich. Detroit 23, Mich. as Me Mich. Grosse Pte., Mich. VIRGINIA US 161654 Igth...264'7" Wath, ...38'3" ft....22'1" 21985 N.T.....21186 Blt. Cleveland 1891 CAPT, D. J. MCGARRITY has called our attention to an error in id- entification on the Soeiety's Christmas Card. The boat at the outer end of the Muskegon dock is the VIRGINIA, not the ILLINOIS, CAPT, MCGARRITY should know, He has commanded all three, the ALABAMA, VIRGINIA and ILLINOIS and in 1917 took the VIRGINIA to Montreal for the Navy which rechristened her BLUE RIDGE, After Wrigley bought her he rebuilt her and named her the AVALON, Oth= ers who spotted the error included Father Dowling and Willard Groom, of Seattle, We're happy to get this error corrected, JUST A YEAR ago Ken Macpherson, of Toronto, asked our aid in get- ting information about the MONTGOMERY and sent along his sketch of her, The members responded so nobly, Macpherson is back with another puzzler, and another sketch, His sketch is from a photo taken at Hamilton, Ont., and published in a 1913 book, Arrows point to doors in hull, The name was unreadable but apparently had seven letters. He could make out "Logo" on the bow, Funnel marking is white band with vertical dark bars, The pnotograph was conventional three-quarters bow view so Macpherson will not guarantee his perspective is absolutely correct. How about it?