DMH, Vol, 14, No. 9 Page 3 THE LOG At Christy Corp., Sturgeon Bay, Wis,, work is progressing on conversion of Huron Cement's H.R.SCHEMM (a, PAN AMOCO, b.AMOCO) from tanker to cement carrier, Two. old lakers are at Cant, John Roen's yard at Sturgeon Bay, WYCHEM 105. (a. SAMUEL F,B,MORSE) and WOLVERINE (a,SIR HENRY BESSEMER, b,MICHAEL J, BAPTELME) have been strinned of forward deckhousing; former's stack has been removed, Their fate remains in doubt, Jemmig Enterprises! canaller WALLACEBURG (a.JOHN J. RAMMACHER), which sustained engine damage last fall, may be secranped. . She is currently moored at Collingwood. Jemmig's canaller JUDGE KENEFICK has been renamed H.J,MCMANUS, As arnounced earlier in the "log", Upper Lakes Shipping has entered the. nackage freight trade, The L.A,MCCORQUODALE (a,SUPERIOR, b,RALPH BUDD) has been equipned with two English-built cranes at Montreal, JAMES B, FADS (a,GLOBE) was fitted with a single crane at Port Weller, Prior to completion of these projects, the BROWN BEAVER. initiated the company's package freight service this spring. CSL has transferred registration of the COVERDALE to. newly-organized affiliate, Ocean Lines, Itd,, Hamilton, Bermuda, A large black "0" is now on her stack. Nicholson Transit's MATAAFA (a,PENNSYLVANIA) has again been chartered to T,J,Mc- Carthy Steamship Co,, for the auto transport trade. * See Bottom Next Page Reoch has renamed three newly-acquired vessels, Former NORMAN J, KOPMEIER (a.E, D, CARTER, b,WILLIAM T, ROBERTS, c,DOW CHEMICAL i) has become PINEDALE, JOHN DUNN, JR,, is now SPRUCEDALE, A.T.KINNEY, sold last fall by Wilson Transit to Reoch's Winona Steamships, Ltd., is now HILISDALE, Reoch's FORESTDALE (a,IaSALIE 4, b. EASTRICH, c.HOWARD HINDMAN i) will be dismantled at Hamilton, While towing FOPEST- DALE to scrapping site, small Canadian tug BERT VERGE capsized, lost three lives, Bayswater Shipping's GEORGE S, CLEET (a, IOCOMA, b, IMPERIAL WHITBY) has been re- named BAYGEORGE, CSL's new flagship WHITEFISH BAY locked through St.Lambert Lock at Montreal Ap- ril 15 on initial voyage, with Labrador ore for Lake Erie. Island Shipping's WHEAT KING (a,LLANDAFF) passed Soo upbound on first trip April 21, Former ocean tanker was converted to ocean-laker at Port Weller, Three of Hall Corp's vessels have new names, Tankers NORTHCLIFFE HALL and IEE- CLIFFE HALL are CAPE TRANSPORT, COVE TRANSPORT respectively. Self-unloader SOUTH- CLIFFE HALL has been renamed OREFAX, Unconfirmed revorts indicate Mohawk Navigation has contracted for a 730! motor= ship, No further details available. Operation of Midland Steamship Line will be handled this season by Boland & Cor- nelius instead of Browning Lines as announced errlier, Pioneer Steamships' T-3 GULFOIL (a, NESHANIC), undergoing conversion for lake ser- vice at Baltimore, will be rechristened PIONEER CHALLENGER, Pioneer's A, ALAUGUSTUS has been rurchased by Hindman Transportation, renamed HOWARD HINDMAN 141i, Hanna's second T-2 conversion is about complete, Former tanker WINTER HILL, built by Sun at Chester, Pa., in 1945, is being jumboized at Bethlehem's Key High- way Yard in Baltimore to 730' with German-built midbody, At Lorain, American Ship Building is completing similar project on T-2 ATLANTIC DEALER (a,HONFY HILL), Both will enter lake service during current navigation season, CSL has two 'tween-decks package freighters building at Davie Shipbuilding, Lau- zon, Levis, Que. To be classed by owners as "Clippers", they'll be 420-footers, Former Canadian Dept, of Transport tender ST.HELIERS passed downbound through Welland Canal late in April, enroute to Toronto for shinyard inspection and servic- ing. Sold to Panamanian Lines, her future role is unknown,. She was built in 1919 at Glasgow for British Navy. October, 1960 "Log" reported she might be used in the Wallaceburg-Windsor run, Paterson's 605! motorship building at Davie, the CANADOC, was launched on May 3, (Continued on Page 4)