Gurtis Haseltine David Glick Pres: ce President eel oohs W. Chicago staat “3 Mich. betrott 28, Mich. John Campbell Treasurer on 1575 Cleveland Lincoln Park, Mich, Ropers Zeleznik ary 877 nateereitn Pl. Grosse Pte., Mich. In a box of old magazines, salvaged from an attic in Marine City, were found several pages that had been removed of their origin is a pencilled notation "Clark 61". from a bound book, The only indication A search to trace the material to its source leads me to conclude that it came from a Detroit City Directory, compiled by Charles F, Clark, for the year 1861, OWNED IN ETROIT. For the convenience of merchants and ship owners, We have procured from J. Hall, our elflicient marine reporter, the towing complete and reliable list of all steamers, baryues and brigs, owned in Detroit, with their tonnage, owners and captains, also a list of all schooners, with their tonnage, SIDE-WHELL STEAMERS. OWNER OR AGT. CA Tra Months & leayorlaovgen ‘Suith h # LW ard, Agen Ree . William A, McDonald PROPELLERS, N OWNER OR mage . CAPTAIN, 31 ue B. aa -Bo; een RV Agant: 00 HB. Trowbrideeteod, ‘Mianauctt C. C. Blodgett... 7 W. P. Campbell King City of Madison. Hubbard & Co...-MceGowan Dispatch . 10 B. erantingns ankin Dart Trbr ge, & CoWilcox 6 —— M. RB: ae arrett ¥. Kanter Bedl ford ae ee Ag’t-Par! 9 Parker & Whip ple== Whipple 200 HL. Parl ouaye, exploilll ia 25, joe M. Jones Aichi hig eae Mineral Rock J. Whitin ng, Ag Montgomery eo. B. Ward, Ag’t. Mohawk Chief. $5 Z Furby. Pilot TT A, Smith a) mine; 890 BJ, Ralph <eith 1 E.G, Merrick & Co-.1 3) Tr brdge, Wileox & CoThorn 6 0 KE. B, Ward, A Whiting —J FTA ItNELCO, AS t-Pratt C roit Detroit, 2d (new) BARQUES. NAME, TONS OWNER CAPTAIN, Fame 8 E We Y C. HI. Carey. - Eber Ward & iY E.B. Ward, Ag’t-.- J. Moffat. Me moncau Weston 0 Mich. Cen. 861 Mich. on: te mis ‘Goldamith Windsor Detroi BR... Clinton q Jeie Tetenings 603. Cleveland........574.30 John Uutchings.. yroule WW, Hudson------- trong. ity. vohicea obt, Hollister. fohn G. Deshler. tez en, Ag't. 4B. Whittaker -. Contimed next month