Be BS @_o8 Zees oad eas Bugs = oka -o 9 QS 2d oa a ans + 8 Dp oO SHIPS THAT U.S.S. WILMINGTON, gunboat No. 8, was NEVER DIE named for the City of Wilmington, Del. # 121 ped See eat was authorized by act ess 3 1893. Her keel was laid 8 Getoned Teoh ne peupores News Breen ing anc Dock Co Ne eerore News, Va., and she was launched 19 Oatecee 1895 WILMINGTON's length on eee wat er line was 250 ‘eet, 9 inches; extreme breadth, 40 feet; dis- placenens 1,392 tons; mei ty feet, and peed 15.08 knots he s armed with eight 4- reas rapid fire guns; 6-pounders; four l- pounders; four Co. nee al ie 3-inch a gune Her couplenent was 10 se rtaene and 165 m n 16 October 1900 WILMINGTON departed Pernam~ buco for A, aters, via raltar e Suez Ci he arrived’ Manila, Philippine Is- lands, 21 January 190: id set sail from Cavite on 10 May for patrol duty based at Shanghai, China. On 30 June 1904 she was placed out of com- mission at Cav: eu Zoy peatabea [kg Syoe9s YSTY eI0N *s08109 soaTy ez4Zuez ayq Jo syueq TY ueemqeq ayerp Teany orjeg BUTYD JO Teotd. bs WILMINGTON was recommissioned at Cavite on 3 April 1906 and resumed activ hai_and Hong Kong until 1922 WILMINGTON departed 19 July 1923 on her first cruise from the states of U.S.S. ER 2 November 1942, e was later used for training of armed guard crews at New Ore leans. DOVER was placed out iission 20 Dec- ember 1945. s sold 30 December 1946 to the f out to deeper water. sea-cocks were opened and she went to the bottom in 75 feet of water. Capt. Frank E. Hamilton persistence in submit the followe bet Se Grove SHIP BY Blvd Akron ep "The faeee page of the HISTORIAN, Vol. 12, eee nite pentaines a Pp: Pon aes a ST happeie to her. I interested id have ong in tracking Here is her story:" RALEIG! steel passenger; 1,185 Gross; 805 Net; 222. 3 x 33_X 21.3. Num ber” 203422. ered by a Triple Expansion engine, Gg & stroke: 19-30-50 X44. Indicated 1,200. Loe tea by the pyacyane Steel Co. Sparrow: a@ cost of $132, fenibele lesrerdvenattaskeescoe (old Bay ‘i Baltimore, Md. Sold, 1923, Saginaw-Bay WATER City S.S. ee Bera Mich, (Charles W.” ry ‘Pres. j the Texas Re: eeigerator.. $.3. 1939 go mesexs He nae riga: Lines, New Yorl hee Manila, Pniiippine Isl flag. In 1941 she was sola” to Wallen & CI Still dhiden’ Panananiani flags (cn Decenter erat she was scuttled at Hong Kong. The Japanese salvaged Ree and renamed her MANRYU MARU. Her final end ca 1944, in the Malacca Straits when she wai doed by HMS Submarine STRONGBOW.