Curtis parencsne David Glick Presiden Vice President 13951 Fan a 20945 W, Chicago Detroit 23. Wich. Detroit 28, Mich. r esy of member Arnold Dempster M.H.S. Cruise Director Al Bradley gets some profes- sional seve: from a real teran the business, Carta inpsBob Lo, t last cruise of the season to by Howard Schulte John campbell Rovere Zeleznik Treasu: retary 1575 casys land 877 peaeeety He Mic) Lincoln Park, Mich, Grosse Pte. CHRISTENING of the PAUL H. CARNAHAN at the Aquarama Dock in Detroit Nov. 2. At ditional bottle of champegne across the bow. Above, the CARNAHAN fully dressed for the gala occasion. Haseltine photos SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE feature recently o: the U.S.S. WILMINGTON reminded william a ee